Ch 35 The Rest of the Vacation

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Cleopatra woke up to the smell of the tropics. She knew that she had been raised here, in the Caribbean, and the island and ocean smelled familiar. She could smell the flowers, the other plant life, all a little different in the morning than in the heat of the sun at noon, or in the evening. The Caribbean ocean was very different in looks, feel, and smell than the ocean that surrounded England. When it came down to it, the ocean around the River Otter, not that far from France, was very different than the ocean around Scotland, although not as different as the Caribbean.

There was something about her wand, and all the magic she had done with it, that seemed to have enhanced both her sense of smell, and what she could tell about people because of the smell and, more than smell, sense of who and what they were.

She could smell and feel a little body next to her. It had been warm enough when they went to sleep that no one had anything on but knickers, sleeping on top of the beds, a warm breeze wafting through the room. It had become cooler during the night, and both beds had blankets covering their occupants. Little Minerva had snuggled up against Cleo, and Cleo put an arm around Albus's little sister.

Bodies were wonderful things. Touching someone skin to skin was delightful. As Cleo woke up Minerva did as well.

"You need to have Albus's baby so we can have another baby. I love babies. I like Teddy and Victoire's baby," Minerva proposed.

Cleo replied, "We have to wait until we are married to have babies."

Minerva argued, "No you don't. Aunt Luna, she's not a bio-logic-at-all aunt, she's a honor-harry aunt, she says you don't exactly have to be married to have a baby. She didn't ex-actually tell me how, cause I'm too little.

"You and Albus need to do that! Aunt Luna and Mummy both say that making a baby is a lot of fun."

Cleo admitted, "I would very much like to have Albus's babies, but we are not quite old enough." Cleo thought that she had released an egg last night, and if she and Al made love there was a good chance they would have a baby. She WAS old enough, biologically at least, but ...

Minerva argued, "Well, if you cannot make a baby yet you at least ought to practice."

Cleo took a deep breath. Minerva had no idea how badly Cleo wanted Albus, wanted to practice.

Minerva rolled off Cleo and put her hands on Cleo's tummy reasonably close to her private parts. Then Minerva observed, "You like babies. You really ought to have a really big number of babies. May I watch when you have your babies? I think it would be fun to see babies come out."

Cleo argued, "I don't think little aunts are usually there when witches have babies."

Minerva asked, "Lily, do you want to practice making a baby with Billy?"

Lily protested, "Who says I am going to marry Billy Lionheart? I'm too young to think about marrying someone."

Minerva replied, "Course you are! I've seen you kiss him."

Lily sighed, "That doesn't mean I am going to marry him." Although she thought she probably would, because they were the best of friends, and dance partners, and he really did have a nice body, even if he acted like her father sometimes and made her do her homework. And even if James married Erica, which would be strange, marrying your brother's wife's brother.

"I'm hungry," Minerva observed. "Talking about bodies and babies makes me hungry."

The four girls dressed and went to the kitchen in the suite to get some breakfast.

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