Start from the beginning

"Well, maybe except our friend Jillie, uh? Since she'd rather sleep with me in my tiny little shop..."

Ignoring Christen, I turn toward Jill and exclaim:

"You slept with her? Are you fucking dumb?"

"Hey!" Jill lets out, annoyed, "I didn't know she was an evil bitch at the time!"

Christen rolls her eyes.

"Stop it, you two: y'all are both dumb and you're gonna die here. Now, Wälti, you're gonna share handcuffs with Jillie, since you two visibly need some bonding time. C'mon!"

With that said, she takes a small key out of her pocket and releases one of Jill's hands, only to pass the chain of the  handcuffs under an iron bar so that we do not escape, and imprisoning my own wrist, which brings me too close for my taste from Jill.

Then, while Christen seems amused by the situation, the Dutch just speaks up:

"So, Christen, are you gonna tell us exactly what you're gonna do with us now?"

But as the dark-haired was about to speak, her phone rings and she immediately picks up, with only the time to tell us:

"Duty calls: I'll see you later, lovebirds. Ciao!"

And she walks up the stairs, as we hear the door locking itself. 

Jill and I exchange a look: we both know there was no way out: even if we did get rid of the handcuffs, then we'd still have one locked door and angry ninja baristas to go through, and since we aren't in some Mission Impossible shit, then all hope was lost.

Smirking, Jill just says:

"Well, that's not at all how I pictured my death."

"How did you picture it, then?" I ask, curious.

"I don't know: naked in a hot woman's arms just after an orgasm?"

"That's... oddly specific" I comment, smirking. Jill looks at me as if she wanted me to tell her as well, so I add: "I'd rather die during my sleep so I wouldn't feel a thing."

Nodding her head, the Dutch just comments:

"Well, I guess that's not how we're gonna die here... I mean, maybe you'll have a softer death since Jenni Hermoso has a crush on you and wanna sleep with you real bad, but I'll be drained of my blood and get all my nails and teeth pulled out one by one..."

"Ew" I comments, looking at her with disgust, "again: too specific ! And how can you be so damn calm right now?"

"Sarcasm and humour are my best weapons in time of crisis."


We both fall into silence, as hours go by.

At first, we really did not even look at each other. But then, as nobody came looking for us, we thought: hell, if that's the day we die, at least we could just try and enjoy the fact that we wouldn't be dying alone - which, by the way, is a luxury in this world.

So we talked, for hours, until somebody finally did come back to the VIP room: a very upset Jenni Hermoso and a panicked Aitana Bonmati running after her. Indeed, the dark-haired immediately spots us and walk straight toward us, before hitting Jill in the face.

THE VELVET KILLERS IIWhere stories live. Discover now