Chapter 37

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Being back at his penthouse feels odd. I've noticed that there are a couple items gone, like the picture frames that once resided on the mantle along with the god awful vase, I still don't know why he bought it, apparently when he went out with his mother then they entered a store and some old lady coaxed him into purchasing the ugly thing. Props to her though, Graysons a stubborn ass and she broke through.

I've currently been shoved onto the couch with a wall of pillows and blankets placed all around me. I'm living in my own Fort Knox of comfort.

As soon as we'd stepped inside and he saw me shiver slightly and I mean slightly, he'd commanded that I sit on the couch while he turned all the heaters along with the fireplace and covered me in any comforting item he could find.

"Here." I took the steaming mug of hot chocolate from his hand.

"Thanks. This really isn't necessary, I'm not even cold anymore-"

"Are you hot? I'll add some ice to your drink. I'll open the windows, although you should still wear a coat, maybe a scarf too? I don't want you getting sick-"

"Grayson." I place my free hand on his arm to stop his rambling.

"I'm ok, I'm not made of glass."

He lets out a breathy sigh and leans back into the couch. I place a pillow behind his head so he doesn't strain his neck. "I know, I'm sorry. I don't know what to do. I'm so worried that somethings going to happen to the two of you."

He takes my hand in his, I make sure to give his a reassuring squeeze. "Todays been a lot. For both of us, why don't you go take a shower, relax and get some sleep. We can discuss everything in the morning once we've both recuperated."

His low chuckle is honey to my ears "I should be the one looking after you." To that comment all I offer is a roll of my eyes. He stands listening to me and makes his way upstairs. I watch his figure disappear down the hallway. I place my hand on my stomach, I've been doing that a bit recently, it offers me a sense of comfort.

Eventually I break out of my daze and walk myself over to the large balcony. Opening the doors I step outside into the cool New York night. The sounds of the cars and wind make me feel like I'm the only person in the world, time stops, there's no drama, nothings wrong, everything just disappears.

I don't know how long I stand against the glass rails, staring at the city below as I feel a warm coat wrapped around my frame. "You shouldn't be out here without a coat."

To my left I look up, his hair shines in the city light. I can see the droplets from his shower scattered through his untamed dark curls. The tight white tee stretched across his defined muscles. I've missed him so much. I clear my throat "Sorry, I got lost watching the city."

"Are you ready to head inside?"

I nod my head as he grasps my hand and walks us inside. He locks the door and we walk up the stairs. I open the door to the bedroom I used to reside in before I moved into his room. "Um, would you mind if you slept in my room? I haven't exactly been sleeping well and knowing that you two are with me would make me feel better."

He has a sheepish look on his face. It's absolutely adorable. Normally I'd poke fun at him but I couldn't bring myself to do so. Instead I offer a smile to which he grabs my hand and leads me into his bedroom.

Pulling back the covers we both get underneath the blankets. Immediately he wraps his arms around my waist. His breath is hot on my ear "please don't fight me on this. I just need to know you're here."

I kiss his forehead and he proceeds to cuddle into my chest. I'm not feeling all that tired so instead of snuggling down I sit up slightly and run my hands through his damp hair "I'll always be here."

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