Chapter 21

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As Genevieve stomps out, a woman, by the looks of it , a couple years older than me effortlessly saunters into the room. When she spots me she smiles. Dam, I feel my knees go weak, maybe I'll leave my fake relationship with Grayson and start a real one with her.

"Hi, I'm Marie, you must be Graysons fiancé." She comes over to me hugging me. I stand there starstruck and dam this woman smells good.

"Uh, yeah." I manage to get out as I stare at her plump red lips. This woman is gorgeous, from her blonde locks, ice blue eyes and her hourglass figure.

I pull myself together after a second or two. Grayson must've noticed me in awe as we make eye contact and he throws me a confused expression.

I ignore it looking back to Marie the beautiful goddess. "I don't believe I've seen you around the office before? It's just, I've been that jackasses assistant for a few years now and I definitely would've noticed you." I made sure to point to Grayson as I say "jackass."

She laughs "I just started a couple days ago, my fathers on the board, his names Peter McDowell?"

"Ohhhh, yes I know him, he always gives me little chocolates whenever he came to visit Grayson."

Her smile brightens "ah yes, he's been carrying chocolates in his pocket ever since my niece could eat solid food."

She looks at Grayson. "I was sent to tell you that the meetings been adjourned."

He smiled "thank you for letting me know."

She smiles one last time throwing us a wave and closing the door behind her.

I stare at the closed door still in awe. I feel Graysons arms wrap around my waist and his head nuzzles in my neck. "What just happened?" He whispers in my ear.

I keep looking at the door "I think I'm in love." I say nonchalantly. He flips me around and glares at me "you're mine." His voice is husky and dominating, even though what he said is not true, the dominant side of him really gets me going.

"I don't know, I think once we're through here with this arrangement, I'm going after her."

"That's not even funny." He kisses my neck, I let out an involuntary moan as he sucks on my sweet spot

"I'm not kidding."

I yelp, feeling a smack on my ass.

"Mine." He repeats harshly in my ear.

Yeah right. I'm my own woman not someone's property but it's still hot.


I'm back at the penthouse with Grayson trailing in behind me. He decided to come with me back home as work wasn't all that crazy today. I think he's just coming with me to make sure I don't sneak off to go see Marie. Honestly if he had let me go alone, I definitely would've paid a visit.

I left Grayson in the kitchen while I went up to change out of my pjs. Gloria had left an outfit for me to wear tonight to our engagement party. I looked at the outfit admiring it, it's a vintage long light pink coach dress with lace detailing along the neckline and diamond bows at the front. She paired it with strappy heels the same colour and diamond earrings. It's a smart choice, to his parents I'll look completely innocent as if I could never do anything wrong.

I left it on my bed as I walked into my close to change out of my pjs into a Mayfair group, Grey mental health crew neck and a pair of grey sweats. No one knows, but I have really bad PTSD and anxiety from my foster home days. Since no one knows I have these issues, so I like to wear things like this crewneck to say something to world even if they don't think much of it.

I smile one last time. Looking at myself in sweats I do a little twirl and leave my room. My plan is to watch a movie until I have to get ready.

I run down the stairs and jump onto the couch. I find the remote and go to Netflix, I begin playing friends and lean back into the couch, making myself comfortable.

Grayson comes around the couch and sits next to me, placing his arm across the back of the couch. "Friends? Bit of a basic bitch I see." I smack his chest, "how dare you! This is the ultimate comfort show."

He yawns showing his disdain. But 20 minutes later he's laughing at Joey who's trying to learn French. I sit there smug, see! It's a great show! I always watch this show when I need a sense of safety. But ever since this arrangement began with Grayson I find myself feeling safe around him and I don't know how I should feel about it. Needing a man to feel safe? My feminist side would be extremely disappointed in me.

His Fake fiancé Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora