Chapter 36

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Olivia P.O.V

Marie's been excessively protective this past week. It's starting to get a little claustrophobic. She doesn't let me out of her sight. The only time I'm alone is when I go to bed, shower or go to the bathroom.

She also refuses to let me leave the apartment. She's scared that Grayson will do something. Which is absurd because he's never been anything but good to me, other than cheat.

I've finally convinced her to let me go to the doctor so we can get a checkup on the baby. The appointments at twelve so we have two hours to kill.

"I think I'm going to start looking for a job." We're sitting on the couch, Marie sipping at a cup of steaming coffee and me on a smoothie.

"Olivia, you're pregnant. Soon enough you'll be on maternity leave and giving birth. Just, wait until after you've had the baby." I'm really starting to get sick of her possessiveness. Was I even right to believe her to begin with?

Ever since I moved in here she's been so possessive. I haven't even seen Ricky. I have my phone so I've texted him a couple times but he hasn't responded.

I sigh and sit up "you're right. I'm going to my room."

"I'll come with you."

"If it's ok. I'd like to be alone. This child has been kicking my ass and I thought I'd take a nap until we have to go."

"Oh. Alright." The disappointment is evident but I couldn't care less. She's been all up in my space for the past week. I desperately need to be alone and go get out of this apartment.

I shut the door behind me and quietly lock it. I grab my phone. I have hundreds of missed calls and texts from one person in particular, Grayson.

This whole situations been weighing in on my head since it happened. Maybe I should call him. We both need closure so we can move on.

I unlock my phone and decide to text him instead of calling in case Marie hears... funny how I can't even make my own decisions anymore. I don't know what's gotten into her. She never used to be like this.

I've noticed that she gets angry easily. One time I accidentally left the tap running and she freaked out. She began yelling at me, her face turned crimson with anger, it was when she gripped my arms squeezing them tight that I began to freak out. She must've noticed my discomfort because her personality changed with the snap of a finger, she went from pissed to pleasant within a millisecond.

Opening the messages app and clicking on his name which I changed to 'dickwad' (because I'm mature) the notifications finally are gone. I can't lie, they'd been bugging me.

I quickly skim through the dozens of messages. All along the lines of:

'Where are you?'

'Answer my goddamned calls Olivia!'

'You're acting like a petulant child.'

'Please answer I'm worried.'

Guilt seeped into my skin but I shove it aside attempting to think clearly and not do anything stupid... well, any more stupid.

I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. I have no idea what to write. Should I apologise first? Find a time to meet up? Only one issue with meeting up with him is that I have to get out of this apartment. Marie would never let me go, I'm going to have to figure something out.

'Hey, I want to talk -Olivia'

'Delivered' changed to 'read' almost as soon as I sent the message.

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