Chapter 23

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Olivia P.O.V

My head feel like it's been hit by a hammer. I slowly open my eyes taking in my surroundings. I have no idea where I am. A surge of panic hits me hard and I leap up smacking something as I do so.

"Ouch." I hear a deep voice moan. I look down beside me, Grayson lays shirtless next to me with his eyes still closed. I can't help but ogle his shirtless frame. The man has muscles, I mean I already knew that but dam.

I shake my head a couple of times to get my indecent thoughts of the asshole out of my mind. As soon as I've composed myself I poke him. He doesn't respond so I like him a few more times. Still nothing.

I notice a glass of water to my left on the nightstand. I tried to wake him up the easy way. I grab the glass of water and tip it over his head. He bolts up almost pushing me off the bed "what the fuck!"

He looks at me, rage evident in his eyes "you wouldn't wake up!" I'm always quick to defend myself with him.

"That water was for you to take your aspirin with!"

... "oh, oops?"

He glares at me "oops alright."

"What happened last night?" I need a subject change and last nights a total blur.

He sits up next to me, the duvet lowers and I can see his complete torso, I wish the blanket had fallen lower down.... No, I need to stop thinking like this.

"You drank way too much, I found you on the stairs completely wasted so I took you to my old room where you passed out. I also told my parents that you'd been feeling unwell for the past couple of days and it hit you hard last night."

I feel my face pale. Oh shit, I ruined our engagement party. His parents had put so much effort into it. Mind you I'd only met his mother but that doesn't stop the guilt I currently feel. "I am so sorry. I ruined everything. I need to apologise to your parents."

He sighs "don't worry, my mother throws parties much more extravagant than last nights every weekend. This isn't the first party that hasn't quite gone to plan."

I get out of the bed and notice I'm not in last nights dress. I'm in Graysons dress shirt. "Did you change me last night?"

He looks at me completely unfazed "well of course, that dress would've been much more uncomfortable to sleep in than my shirt."

"You undressed me."

He runs his hand through his hair "don't worry it's nothing I haven't seen before." Grayson winks.

I flip him off. He laughs "I had Stanley drop off some clothes for you to wear today." I look behind me and sitting on a chair sat some of my clothes. I clear my throat and quickly thank him, opening the first door which thank god is a bathroom and I lock myself in.

I take my time showering and allowing the hot water to wash away last night. God I'm lucky I didn't throw up. Although it's still not clear after hearing what went down last night I guess it is a little less blurry.

Changing into the clothes Stanley sent over, I toss on the brown zebra print silk dress and brush my hair out, getting the tangled mess sorted was more of a task than I'd expected but I made it work.

I opened the bathroom door and Grayson already stood there dressed a pair of jeans and a cream sweater. He gives me a once over, I shrivel under his gaze "Stanley knows how to pick an outfit." I know what he's thinking... sex as per usual.

"Come on let's go eat I'm starving." I grab his hand yanking him out of his room. I don't actually know the way so after refusing his help and walking down one too many hallways we made our way out on to the patio where his parents both sat along with Mason sipping away on coffee and digging into their food.

We sit down at the table and I'm introduced to Richard, Graysons father. He's really nice and very funny. I now understand where Grayson gets his sarcastic side from. "Eggs?" Grayson asks passing me a plate loaded with the-normally-scrambled goodness but the smell, my god it was absolutely awful.

I throw my hand over my mouth and run. I have no idea where I'm going so I open the first door I see which thankfully is a bathroom. I launch myself towards the toilet, emptying my guts into the porcelain bowl.

"Hey, shhh it's ok." His soothing voice stops me from having a meltdown but once it comes to me that he's watching me throw up I smack his hand away. "Go!" wanting him to get out before another wave of vomit makes it way out of my system.

"No." I can't be bothered arguing with him as I throw up for the third time. Finally I think all the food and alcohol have exited my body and I sit back leaning against the wall. "Here." I take the tissues from wiping my mouth and tossing it into the toilet. He flushed it for me and wets a towel placing it on my forehead.

"We should get back."

"Are you sure you're feeling up to it?"

I wave my hand around my face like I'm trying to swat a fly away, "yeah yeah, I'm good. Help me up."

He grabs my arm and lifts me effortlessly. "You ok to walk by yourself?"

I nod, the second me let's me go I grab onto him. "Yeah, no. I'm going to need your help getting back to the table."

He grips me tight, making sure I don't collapse. "Are you sure you're not actually sick, I've never seen you have a hangover this bad."

"I'm sure I just had a lot more to drink than normal. I promise I'm fine." He sighs clearly not willing to push the subject any further.

We make our way outside and he helps me into my chair. Everyone's looking at me with deep concern, even Mason looks worried. "I'm fine." I say hoping they'll just move on. It seemed to work as they all went back to their conversations, asking me a few questions every once in a while.

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