Chapter 32

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My breathing increased along with my heart rate. "N-No, this isn't possible." I stutter.

Marie looks at me with a strong dose of sympathy in her eyes. "Hun, all three of those aren't faulty. You're having his baby."

I cry. I don't care about my makeup anymore. I let the tears fall, feeling the salty water run down my cheeks. Marie pulls me into her, holding me close. "He d-doesn't even l-love me." I sputter in between sobs.

"I'm so sorry. I promise I'm here for whatever you need." I pull back from her and take a couple deep breathes too calm myself down.

Ricky barges in through the door. Darn it! We didn't lock it. He's fuming until he sees me and my blotchy red face.

His eyes go from Marie's face, to mine, to the pregnancy tests. "Oh. My. God." Marie's quick to put his happiness at ease by explaining Graysons and I's real situation.

"But you looked so in love when you put on your dress."

"Yes, I think I love him. But he doesn't love me. He was banging a chick in his office this morning." Now it was Ricky's turn to hug me.

"What are you going to do?" He asks, pulling back and standing next to Marie.

"I'm keeping the kid. I don't think I can get rid of it. But I don't know what I'm going to do. I have to leave. We don't leave on our honeymoon for another week so that gives me a limited amount of time to get out."

"Are you at least going to tell him?"

I sigh "I will. At some point. I- I just can't right now. I have to sort myself out before I mention this to him."

"Well you can move in with me." Marie pipes up.

"Thank you. I'd appreciate it."

"Look, we need to get your makeup fixed. For the rest of the night, you need to act as if you're happily in love and you didn't just find out that you are pregnant." Ricky whips out his makeup kit and began shoving all sorts of product onto my face.

"Tomorrow we'll move you out and into my apartment during work. He'll be in the office so he won't know."

"Only one issue. I'm his assistant, He'll know if I'm missing."

"Um well, I wasn't going to say anything but the board has been speaking and we've decided to let Grayson continue as CEO."

"That's great! Even though I love/hate the bastard, I'm still happy for him. I guess this charade worked."

"You had all of us fooled." Marie and Ricky laugh together.

"Anyway, I'll have my dad take him to a long lunch across town to celebrate." That'd possibly work since Marie's dads on the board. I don't think he'd find that suspicious.

"Do you really think that'll work?" I need to make sure.

"Of course it will silly. Now perk up, you're husbands waiting for you."

"I don't know if I can do this."

Ricky grabs my hand, a reassuring gesture "look if you really can't handle any more tonight. Then just say you ate some bad chicken. Go home and sleep, there's no way he'll try seduce you if you're feeling sick. But are you sure you want to do this and not have a discussion? Running away may not be the best idea."

"I'm a runner Ricky. It's all I've ever done. I've ran from foster homes, I ran from the system and I ran from all my demons. " I pull them into a tight hug.

"Just sleep on it but if you do go through with it I'll be there for you and come visit you at Marie's to make sure you're holding up once you've settled in." He kisses my cheek and exits the room.

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