[borrower world building]

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Quick CW for violence!

Recently got obsessed with borrowers so I give thee ideas for the borrower world

Borrowers are smarter than people give them credit for- often times there's a whole network in a single home, and backyard. They tend to only leave their homes if absolutely necessary, or are moving.

While they're loving to family and scared of beans, do not intrude on a families turf. If you do so knowingly, they will go foking FERAL and beat the ever loving shit out of you. Often times these fights do lead to death, but if the intrusion is a misunderstanding, they'll happily send you on your way with a little gift of food.

There's feral borrowers and home borrowers! Ferals have more animalistic features, and tend to be more cruel towards others including humans (but that doesn't mean they hate everyone). Most homies (haha homie dies) tend to avoid ferals because they're "less cultured" but some families actively invite in feral/home borrowers! Turf wars between feral borrowers are more common and often more brutal, given the fact that they can easily rip out chunks of flesh with their teeth.

Borrowers dress up for the environment they're in! Outside? Cool beetle cloak! Old person's home? Floral disguise! They're very talented at creating these disguises, and often go unnoticed when out in the view of a bean. They also take advantage of face paint.

Bean is more of a joke between the borrower community- there's tons and tons of different words for humans, bean is used to sort of make the human sound more dumb and bumbling.

Borrowers have an unhealthy love/hate relationship with beans. Almost every borrower has that urge to talk to a human (cautionary tales and amazing stories really play into this) but usually it doesn't happen, given the fact that they usually are treated like pests when found. And also they just wanna know what life out in the open is like

Said this before but BORROWERS OF DIFFERENT SIZES. Braver ones are bigger! The more scared ones are smaller!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2022 ⏰

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