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Content warning!! This chapter may contain content that may seem disturbing, including puking! (like- alot) it's uh meant to be horror

Clifford felt like he was gonna die, his stomach was gonna tear open and leave him to bleed out. It hurt. He didn't know one could get so sick, it was honestly terrifying. The doctor didn't know what was wrong with him. First he went from eating so much yet barely getting full, then suddenly becoming sick as a dog, trying to throw his lungs up.

He stumbled down the hallway, leaning heavily against the wall. It felt sideways almost, as he felt his way to the bathroom, swallowing thickly, before stumbling to the toilet and throwing his head into the bowl.

He didn't know this much pain could exist.

Heave after heave, his body racked with spasms as his stomach coiled around itself, pushing everything and anything out. Tears sprang to his eyes, rolling back into his head as he vomited violently into the bowl. He felt like choking, the vomit was shoving it's way through his nose and trickling down.

A thick chunk suddenly stuck in his throat and he did choke, coughing and gagging in an attempt to get it out before it suddenly dislodged and landed into the toilet with a splash. He was heaving, gasping for air as he scrambled for toilet paper to wipe his face. His whole torso felt sore from tensing up so aggressively. He tried not to cry.

He wiped his face with shaky hands before tossing the tissue into the toilet and holding his face, trying to recover from what had happened, before slowly getting to unsteady feet, and glancing towards the bowl. His breathe caught in his throat.

There was something splashing around in the bowl, trying to grab onto the rim and pull themselves out. It was a person. Clifford's mind went reeling and he stumbled to his knees, yanking out the small acid covered figure and staring at them with wide, horrified eyes.

They didn't even seem to register that it was being held, it just pushed in a confused manner at Clifford's hands. What the fuck. What the fuck was this doing in his puke.

A shriek of dismay forced itself out of his mouth and he dropped it, scrambling back and trying not to choke on his breath. it simply lay there for a few seconds before slowly sitting up, rubbing it's face before looking up at him blearily.  Holy shit. Slowly, he crawled towards it, horror and curiosity swelling up in his chest.

"H-hello..?" It coughed out, trying to rub it's eyes clean. A small pang of pity hit Clifford, despite his horror, and he carefully reached out towards it, scooping it up. It let out a little yelp and writhed around, looking up at Clifford with wide, terrified eyes.

"Hey hey hey, I'm-.. I'm gonna help you." He said, wincing as his voice cracked hard. Slowly, he got to his feet and ambled towards the sink, turning it on and gently slipping the little person into the bowl to let them clean off. It probably wasn't very pleasant, being in puke.

It looked up at him with a raised brow, obviously nervous, but eventually it started to clean itself off, making sure especially to clean out it's short, scruffy hair. All Clifford did was watch for a few minutes, before he cleared his throat.

"Ehm-.. what, uh, what where you doing.. in there..?" He asked incredibly awkwardly- there was no way to ask what someone was doing in vomit comfortably. It glanced up at him, still scrubbing at it's hair hard.

"I.. I dunno.. I was asleep and just- woke up there.." Its eyebrows furrowed in confusion, obviously just as frazzled as Clifford.

"Huh.. did.. holy shit.." He buried his face in his hands, trying to process everything. This was not normal. There was a tiny person that just somehow came out of his body. And it was all real. Those were the only mostly coherent thoughts he could gather. For a minute he just sat therez watching as the miniscule human washed themselves, before they clambered from the sink. Clifford silently got up and yanked the hand towel from the hanger and gently wrapped it around them.

"Thanks." They gave Clifford a tiny, hesitant smile. The human tried to smile back.

"So-.... whats-whats your name..?"

"Uh... I believe it's.. Haley..?" They tilted their head slightly. Clifford nodded, chuckling and shaking his head slightly, which quickly turned into groans of despair. He had no idea what to do. This wasn't just something that happened.

"Excuse me I just- need to take a breather." The black haired male quickly hobbled out of the bathroom before the tiny being could say something. He slumped against the hallway wall, letting out long, aggravated groans. He didn't really want to believe this was real. There was a little person sitting on his sink, who he had just thrown up. This wasn't real.

After a long, long time of thinking and having mini break-downs, he eventually got to his feet, and slowly trudged back into the bathroom. "Hey, sorry, I just-" He broke off with a sigh, and then suddenly that was broken off with a wave of nausea.

This was exactly like the last one except even more painful, he tried to stumble towards the toilet but he tripped and fell onto all fours. He couldn't stop himself from heaving, his whole body constricting and pushing to get whatever was in his stomach out. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, vomit splattered across the floor, pain gripping his entire body.

He felt something massive trying to shove it's way up his throat; he was choking and coughing and trying to just get it out, tears rolling down his face. His arms gave out beneath him and his head hit the ground hard, still convulsing with the attempt to push whatever it was out his body.

With a final spasm the thing was shot from his mouth along with buckets of vomit, spraying across the floor and soaking the side of his face. Through his tears he could see another curled up little figure, though much bigger than the last one.

It turned to give him an odd look before a bolt of pain gripped his body so fiercely his stomach heaved again, before everything fluttered into darkness.

Wooo creepy stuff!! I don't see enough gt horror smh so I am here to CREATE IT. I don't like this very much, I wrote it at 11 at night and uh kinda rushed but I still like it! It's from a very old idea lmao. Expect to see more shit like this ack-

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