Chapter 25

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The splashing of water went off as the knob of the shower was turned off. Dasom pulled the towel over the head to dry the excessive water. Wearing a robe she pulled out the hair drier and switched it on.

Once dress decently, she walked out of the bathroom and checked the clock. 9 it showed. She walked down the stairs to see the boys laughing their ass off.

"What's wrong?" She questioned.

"You should see Mark's egg!" Kevin bursted in a fit of laughter once again.

Curious, Dasom peeked in the fry pan the poor guy was holding and scrunched her nose in disgust.

"Dude that literally floating in oil. Who asked you to cook."

"Kevin and Jacob wanted to see my skills." He shrugged.


After a very chaotic breakfast the group decided to dive into the pool and chill. They dressed up in tshirts and shorts because of the lack of swim suits.

"Up for water volleyball match?" Jacob challenged.

"Yes!" They all chorused.

"I'll be the referee." Kevin volunteered and jumped out of the pool.

As if it was not chaotic enough already, this just added more. All of them where screaming laughing shouting.

"Emma team 7 points, Dasom team 3 points." Kevin announced at the end of round 1. "Come on Mark, Dasom step up on your game."

And they did. By the end of the game, they had clear majority. Kevin jumped in the pool and hugged the two in utter joy. The couple hugging each other while pouting at their loss.

"Let go get lunch!" Emma said walking out of her room. All of them were down after changing, waiting for her to join.


"Here you go!" Emma passed Jacob's guitar to him.

They walked out of the back door to see, the other three roasting marshmallows. They sat down and Jacob began tuning the cords. He started with Taylor Swift's 'ME!'.

After he was done, Kevin took it from him and played, Love Yourself. Mesmerized by his voice, smiles lit up on their face.

"That was so good!" They clapped.

"Hey Mark can you sing something too." Dasom asked.

"Uh yeah sure!" He took the guitar from Kevin.

"Mark why don't you sing a korean song." Kevin suggested.

With a wide smile, he nodded. Adjusting the cords he started playing. The mellow sound touched their hearts. Their heads and body moved in a rhythm.

"That's so good Mark. I loved it even though I didn't understand anything." Emma chuckled.

"What is it called?" Jacob asked.

"Candle Light!"

They continued singing and listening to each other's beautiful voices. With the night approaching, they concluded with an ending song.

"It's already night. We'll have to return tomorrow." Emma said staring at night sky.

"Time flies fast, in no time you two will go away." Jacob murmured loud enough for them to hear.

"Time does fly fast, it like yesterday you two dragged me in this group. It's good to have supportive friends." Mark smile.

"We experienced so many things together. Our bond is so precious." Dasom shared.

"Let's promise each other, we could never forget our friendship even if we are very far away." Kevin stood up and extended his hand. The rest followed and made a circle. "We promise to never let go!" They cheered.


"What are you doing here?" Dasom asked seeing Mark at the balcony at the middle of the night.

"Can't sleeps, there are things in my head."

"It's fine to be worried." She said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm not worried, I'm just things about stuff. Like I all the things that happened in the past few months."

"Did you enjoy here?"

"A lot. Maybe more that I have ever enjoyed myself back there. You know what, thank you so much for everything. For letting me realize, where I need to be, where I'm needed."

A comfortable silence engulfed the two. They stared at the night sky in front of them. Dasom gulped, a blush crept on her cheeks.

"Mark, I have to tell you something. I don't know what is going to happen once I go to Neo City. I would probably end up getting involved in stuff. So let me tell you this before anything happens."

"I know Neo City isn't the best place, and once you go there, many will change, even your point of view."

"I know, that I why I want to say this. You know when I first saw you, I got a little crush, an attraction type of thing. And over time, as I continued hanging out with you, I started developing feelings. I don't know how things will turn out now, so I just wanted you to know I have feelings for you."

Mark's breath hitched at the confession. He composed himself before answering.

"Like you said, you never know how things will turn out. So I guess I can't convey my feeling for you at this moment. I'll let you know when the correct times come. Please wait for a while."


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