Chapter 5

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Another university day, as usual Dasom made her way to her classroom. Sitting down she waited for Jacob to arrive. Time ticked away, the girl sulked in her seat at the absence to her seatmate.

Soon the professor came in, and started the lecture. After class, Dasom got out and started looking for her friends. Only finding anyone, the girl got more irritated.

Simply Chaos

Where the hell is everyone?



We are on a date
We skipped today

Sorrwy 🥺
Aren't Kevin and Mark there

I don't see them

Down with a fever

Stan Ateez

Stan Enhypen

Stan Gfriend

Oh hey what's going on?

U are late again
Neways where r u

On the way to University
Running late



Y r u even texting here

All of them ditched uni
So let do the same and hangout



Dasom smiled ear to ear and walked out of the university. She found Mark slowly walking towards her.

Waving her hand, she screamed, "Oi Mark, come here!!"

"Damn Dasom why do you get hyper active from time to time?"

"I don't know, anyways anywhere you want to go."


"Okay, Playland it is!!" She exclaimed and pulled him towards a cab.

Entering the amusement park, Mark stared in awe. He remembers visiting this place back when he was a small child.

"Damn it's been long. I used to visit here every time my brother used to come back from Korea."

"He doesn't come anymore?" Mark asked.

"No, he is too busy with his job. He rarely get time off."

"What does he do? There aren't many job options in Neo City."

"Yeah, he is a doctor. I want to help him so I'm planning to move there after I complete this year. Don't tell anyone though, I haven't told those three."

"Don't worry I won't. So which ride first."

Dasom gave him a devilish smirk. She pulled the confused guy in front of the roller coaster.

"Please not the roller coaster." He gulped.

"Nah that's where we are exactly going!"

The two got on the ride. Mark holding on to the seat as if his life depends. Dasom let out a joyous scream when the ride dropped with was totally opposite to the scream he gave out of fear.

"Oh my gosh, I feel like I'll die any moment."  Mark whined trying to steady himself.

"Damn making you sound have seen your face. You looked so funny and scared."

"I have never been this scared in my life." He laughed.

The two soon headed of towards the bumper cars. They sat down beside each other. As they started moving, Mark's hands tightened around the steering.

Once out, he sat down on the bench trying to the nauseating feeling over. Dasom patted his back and offered him water.

"Are you feeling okay? Or wanna go and puke?" She asked after a few minutes.

"No I'm fine. But let's not go on those scary ride."

She agreed with a chuckle.

They soon headed towards a haunted house. They entered expecting the other to get scared but their plans went in vain. Mark as a former mafia literally dealt with dead bodies, blood and gun. Dasom was already used to stuff from her internship as a trainee doctor.

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