Chapter 94

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It has been a week since the premiere, Lizzie and I went back to work, and just as we thought we have been super busy, Lizzie is almost done filming Sorry for your loss which means she has more work, I don't know why if the are almost done they have to stay so long there, I have a lot of work because of the weeks I didn't go to the Law Firm and Roger kept giving me cases. I'm now on his office searching some papers Roger grabbed from my office, I don't know where he is, his office is a mess, he said that I'm the one who is disorganized but he is just like me. People who know about me being the one who created the Law Firm asked me if I regret giving him the Law Firm but if I'm honest, I have more free time and I don't have to worry a lot about the Law Firm

He has a lot of papers, I found something about the cabin, this must be when I asked him to buy Massimo the cabin, I grabbed them and started reading them. Ok something is weird here, this papers have the date of the day I sold the cabin to Massimo, why does he has this papers?, I continue reading them and all of these papers have Roger's name. I'm so stupid for believing him, now I know why the police never came when Massimo said he would call the cops, he must have called Roger every time. But why he didn't want me to have the cabin

Roger entered the office and I really want to punch his face, just when I thought we were fine and that I will have my brother back, he betrayed me. "Hey sis, did you find the papers?" He asked me "You are an idiot motherfucker" I told him and he scrunched his eyebrows "Why?, what are you talking about?" He said and I got angrier "When were you planning on tell me that you were the owner of the cabin all this time you fucking liar" I told him and he got pale "I I how did you know?" He asked making me scoffed "Really? That's what you are asking me" I yell at him "Don't make a scene, I can explain" he said, "I don't want to hear excuses I know how much you like to lie" I told him and he sighed "It was for your own sake I" I cut him off "I told you to not tell me excuses, for my own sake really Roger why did you act like I did lose the cabin and you scolded me after I sold it when all of this time you were the owner, did you give it to me for real or you are just lying about it?" I said "I gave it to you" he said

I can't believe him, he has lied to me a lot of times. "Then why you didn't give me the papers" I asked him "C'mon I thought you were a good lawyer" he said making me angrier with him "I am a good lawyer if I wasn't a good lawyer I wouldn't have built this Law Firm, not like you that I handed you the Law Firm but not because you are a good lawyer just because you are my brother" I shouted him "Wow, that was a low blow" he said I scoffed in response "And lying to your sister isn't one?, now I need you to show me the papers of the cabin" I told him

He searched them and handed them to me, "That's why I didn't give it to you, because it has my name on it" he said "Look for the papers you took and then give them to Clary, you took them you have to look for them. Fuck you" I told him as I get out of his office, I made sure of shut the door hard. A lot of people is watching me, I think they heard what I said about the Law Firm and how I handed it to Roger. It was supposed to be a secret for all the new people that now work here, but I really don't care right now because I am so fucking furious with him "I think there is no secret anymore" Max told me and I looked at her "Ok you are mad, got it" she said

She was about to leave but I still feel a little guilty about not telling her that I knew J cheated on her "No, I'm sorry is just remember the cabin I sold to an idiot, well that idiot didn't buy it, the one who bought it was my fucking brother, and he scolded me for sold it when he had it" I told her "That's why you told him all of that things?" She asked and I nod "Yep, and I don't regret them, now sorry but I really need to go to my office and continue working I want to leave early today" I told her "Yeah sure, tell me if you need something" she said and I smile at her "I will thank you" I told her and then I went to my office

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now