Chapter 57

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Lizzie's POV

I miss Y/N I know she is okay but I just can't shake the feeling of being jealous about Stefania, I mean both of them are Italians, they are hot, and they had story I mean they used to hook up, I don't know how I can't be jealous about that. I know Y/N told me she only has eyes for me, but is just so hard to not be insecure, I mean my girlfriend is hot as hell, she could be with anyone else, whoever she wants, but she is with me, a lot of my fans already knew her because of Aubrey and Scarlett I think, ugh but Y/N also knows Brie, I wonder how many actors does she know or how many did she date, I know she was a womanizer, and that she is not like that anymore, I accept her past but is still tough for me to think that some of the people I know had my girlfriend

It has been a week without her, we are doing okay, we communicate with each other and we haven't fight, she told me that she hasn't hang out with Stefania and that makes me feel a little bit better. 3 days ago pictures came out about Y/N being with Aubrey, people doesn't know yet that Y/N and I are dating so they are a lot of rumors that said that Aubrey and Y/N are dating, also there are old rumors that said that Scarlett and Y/N were married and that Rose is Y/N's daughter, I know is crazy. MK asked me that if those rumors make me feel uncomfortable and if I'm honest, they don't, because by the end of the day I'm the woman who she is with, even though we are in different cities now, and I know they are just her friends and they are mine too so I'm sure they wouldn't dare to make a move with Y/N knowing she is with me, also I'm the one she is in love with

We are almost done with the reshoots and maybe we will be able to go home sooner, I asked the producers and they told me that Y/N can come and visit me but it would be better if she doesn't, because they think it would be a distraction and that she will be most of the time alone, because I'm working almost all the day, I'm going to tell her though, because maybe she still want to come, and I really want to see her and touch her and kiss her, so in a few words I want her here with me

The tension that was between Scarlett and I is gone, I think we let clear that I'm the woman Y/N is in love with and Scarlett realized that's she is not really in love romantically with Y/N is just a lot of love but as a best friend something like that, she said that it was a love she can't explain, even she said she likes both of us, I'm sure she prefers Y/N, I can't blame her though I mean I would prefer Y/N too, she is just a very likable and lovable woman, and I'm lucky to be her girlfriend even if she says otherwise

I'm on set right now, and I knew something new today, Tom Hiddleston knows my girlfriend it seems that they are good friends, also Sebastian Stan, but I think he had something with her because of the way he talked about her, I just wonder how do they know each other and why didn't Y/N tell me, maybe she didn't consider it important

I walked to Scarlett trailer to ask her "Hey Scar can I ask you something?" I told her while sitting next to her on her couch "Sure" she said to me while leaving her phone down "How does Y/N know a lot of the people that we work with?" I asked her and she laughed "Even if she is just a lawyer, a lot of actors and actresses know her because of Aubrey, she introduced Y/N into our world and then as you know Y/N is a very likable person so, everybody ended loving her, and by the end of the day, she already met a lot of people" she explain to me but I'm still confused I mean, there are still a lot of people that don't know her but other ones know her and they know her too well if I say, "Ok, and how did she meet Sebastian and Tom?" I asked her and she glare at me, I think she knows I'm a little bit jealous "She meet them because she used to be with me all the time, I'm curious why you didn't meet her sooner, I mean she was with me on set when we were filming civil war, and also age of ultron" she said and I'm curious too "Why didn't you presented us?" I asked her and she shrugged "The thing is that I didn't present her with anyone, she just start talking with people and she became friend with almost everyone, and believe me when I say everyone is everyone even the guard" she said making me laugh, it sounds like my Y/N talking with everyone she is just so nice with people. I'm trying to remember if there is a slightly possibility that I could have seen her around set

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