Chapter 73

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I wake up and the first thing I see is Lizzie's perfect body, I'm hugging her for behind. I got confused because I saw a little hand on Lizzie's leg, I lift a little and saw that here is Luca and Rosie, I laughed silently because I didn't notice they came last night, I hope they didn't have nightmares. Luca has his hand on Lizzie's leg, and Rosie has her head hidden in the little space that is between Lizzie and Luca, she has her legs on top of Luca's legs, I smile and got up slowly not wanting to wake Lizzie nor the kids

When I was opening the door Luca woke up "Where are you going?" He asked me with his sleepy voice, "I'm going to make breakfast want to come?" I asked him and he nods standing up from the bed. This woke Rosie as well, "Can I come with you too?" She asked me and I nod at them, "Slowly, we don't want to wake up Lizzie ok, we want to surprise her with breakfast on bed" I told them and both of them nod, fortunately we didn't wake Lizzie

When we went out of the room I talked to the kids "I thought you two were asleep" I told them, "No, we already were awake but we wanted to wait you and Lizzie" they explained to me and I nod "Did you have nightmares or why did you come to sleep with us?" I questioned them wanting to know why they were sleeping with us, not because it bothers me, I just want to know, "We couldn't fell asleep and we missed you and Lizzie too much so we decided to go sleep with the two of you" Rosie said and I hummed in response

Now the three of us are in the kitchen making breakfast, What do you guys want for breakfast?" I asked the two children that are sitting on the island of the kitchen "I want pancakes" Rosie said and Luca agreed with pancakes, "Ok so pancakes it is" I told them, taking out all the items and ingredients we will need for pancakes, "Can we help?" Rosie asked me "Sure baby come here" I helped  them get off the counter and we started making pancakes

We are a total mess, they started throwing flour at me and for my revenge I did the same, but now the kitchen is a mess, "You little monsters, do you know what would happen if Lizzie sees this mess" I told them but they keep giggling, "What happened here?" Lizzie asked shocked about the mess on the kitchen,  I turn to see her and then I see the kids fast  "It was all their fault, they kept attacking me with flour" I told her and the kids start shouting  "Relax, all of you are going to clean this mess" Lizzie told us and the three of us nod. The kids got distracted by the flour on the floor so I walked toward Lizzie and wrapped my arms around her, "Good Morning princess, did you sleep good?" I whispered to her after pecking her soft lips, "Yes I did, did you saw how the kids were sleeping with us?" She asked me with that big smile that I fucking love "Yes I did it was so cute" I told her and she lean in to kiss me

After kissing, we pulled apart "I need to continue doing the pancakes, we wanted to surprise you with breakfast on bed" I told her and she grinned "Well I don't mind if I have breakfast on bed or here in the kitchen as long as I'm with you" she said and I pecked her lips one more time "I love you" I whispered "I love you too" she responded. I continued doing the pancakes while the kids start telling Lizzie  how I started the flour war and not them, I stick my tongue out at them because they are two liars

We ate our pancakes, and I'm confused about Lizzie not being in a rush, I mean I thought she was supposed to go to set and she is already late but she looks so calmed and with not worries at all, "Lizzie, don't you need to go to set?" I decided to ask her because it was weird and she shake her head no, "I called the day off" she said "But don't you are like the principal character" I said and she quirked and eyebrow, "Do you want me to go baby?" She said joking "Of course not, I love having you here with me, when you are not with me I miss you as fuck" I told her while walking towards her "And maybe if you stay here with me all the days I would not miss you that much because at the end of the day you will be with me" I told her and she smile "I always come here at the end of the day" she said and I nod biting my lip nervously "Yeah I know but maybe if you have your things with you too, I mean I have space for your things" I told her shyly and she smirked "Are you asking me to move in here with you?" She asked me and I nod slowly, "Only if you want to because if you prefer being in your house well that's okay and if you feel like is too soon you can tel me I will not feel bad about it, I just wanted to propose this to you but you can say no I mean don't feel obligated " I ramble and she cut me off by a kiss "Stop rambling, I will love to move in with you, I think is too soon but I really love you and I know you love me as well and if I'm honest I don't want to leave your side ever" she said and I got excited and lift her up and spin her, the room is filled with her beautiful laugh. Suddenly I calmed down a little bit and pulled her down, "You know you make me the happiest person alive" I told her and she shake her head no "That can't be" she said and I looked at her confused, "Why?" I asked her not knowing why it can't be, "Because I am the happiest person alive because of you, you are my light in the darkness " she said and I rolled my eyes playfully at her "You are so cheesy" I told her "We both know that you are the cheesy one" she said and I pecked her lips

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now