Chapter 58

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I feel bad to made Lizzie worried, I miss her more, I think when I was drinking I did have fun and didn't think about she not being with me, but now that I'm drunk as fuck, I miss her and just want to kiss her and cuddle with her

After hung up with Lizzie, I went to my bedroom and laid down on my comfy bed, I heard a knock and I groan in annoyance, I don't know who it could be I didn't invite anyone, I hope is not my family I'm so drunk to deal with my father and I do not want my little brother to see me like this

I went downstairs to open the door, once I opened it I saw Stefania I'm shocked because she didn't tell me she was coming "Ciao bella" she said very smiley "Oh uhm hi" I told her and she laughed, she came in and I'm still shocked in my door "Sorry for not telling you I was coming I wanted to surprise you" she said while I close my door "Well you did surprise me" I told her while walking to the living room "I don't want to be disrespectful but what are you doing here, not that I don't like having you her but Lizzie I have her" I told her and she chuckle for my struggle with words "You are drunk" she said smirking and I know too well that face, before I do something that I regret "Do you want some water? I think I'm going to get you water" I decided when I see Stefania was getting closer to me

When I got in the kitchen I message Aubrey

Sexy Italian🇮🇹:
I need you
Come to my place please
Hurry up before I do something stupid
I'm so drunk
So please hurry up
Don't tell Lizzie

Sexy American 🇺🇸:
Are you okay?
What happened?
Don't do anything you might regret
I'm on my way

Ok, I hope Aubrey doesn't take long, I return to the living room, and Stefania is sitting in a seductive way on the couch "What took you so long? Where is my water hun?" She asked me "Oh I forgot it, do you know Lizzie and I are together" I told her and she chuckle "Really, what a shame I came here to have you know some fun" she said and I shake my head "I can't I'm with her and I love her, didn't I tell you that she was my girlfriend" I told her and she nods "Yes but I supposed that wasn't going to last long, because I thought she was straight, wasn't she engaged or married?" She asked me and I nod slowly "Yeah she was engaged, but she ended it because she wanted to be with me" I told her and she looked at me with a sadly look "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked her "You and I both know that we can't trust in straight women" she said and I cut her off "She can be bi just like me" I told her and she chuckle "Yes but I mean C'mon Andy you know if she was engaged of course there are still love between them and if her fiancé comes and want Lizzie back she would go back to him, how long have you been together like 3 months" she questioned me "4 months" I told her shyly "4 months and they were together for how long, almost 2 years, tell me Y/N if this man return for Lizzie do you really think she would not choose him" she said and fuck maybe she is right, Lizzie will always love Robbie "No, she loves Y/N so much and if you excuse us we need things to do" Aubrey Intervened  but I'm still thinking, Stefania was about to leave but before she leaves she whispered to me "Just think about it bambina, you know I don't want to see you hurt" I sighed and she left 

I walked to my kitchen and poured me some tequila "You shouldn't drink Y/N I mean you are already drunk" Aubrey said and I chuckle "I think I'm not drunk anymore because I'm feeling a lot right now, and people say that when you are drunk you don't feel a shit" I explained to Aubrey and she shake her head "That's when your high not drunk"'she said and I smirked at her "Maybe we should get high and forget about everything" I proposed to Aubrey and she takes my tequila "Hey that was mine" I groan " Y/N please you know Stefania is not right, Lizzie would never hurt you and if Robbie comes she will not leave you for him, she loves you even if you guys just have 4 months of being a couple" she explained to me but still I feel upset

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