Chapter 86

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Lizzie's POV

I'm being waken up by hard knocks on the door. I swear if it's Scarlett again I will kill her. I tried to stand up but my legs are very sore due the activities that Y/N and I did last night, fucking great, I stretched a little to grab my phone. I checked the time and it's 4:00 am, why someone is knocking at 4:00 am, "Come in" I shout, not being able to stand up. Uh fuck Y/N is naked, I'm naked. Before someone could enter I tried to cover us with the sheets

I was not wrong the one who entered is Scarlett. "Guys I fucking hate you two" she entered shouting at us "Can you shut up and leave us sleep" Y/N groans hugging my tighter "Oh no, yesterday I was trying to sleep but you two didn't let me" she said annoyed. I feel my face all red. Y/N moves and I try to keep her covered "Oh don't worry Lizzie I know you two are naked" Scarlett said. Then Y/N grabbed a pillow and threw it at her "Baby you are naked" I remembered her as I move to cover her, because the sheets fell and her body was not cover anymore

After Y/N noticed that she was showing her body, she snuggled into me covering both of us with the sheets "Scarlett we are trying to sleep" I told her tired "Well sorry for disappoint you but if you wouldn't have had sex you would remember that today is our flight back, and you just have less than an hour to be ready" Scarlett said before exiting the room "Shit" Y/N said standing up "We didn't pack our things" she said. I looked at her and then we stand up

Y/N noticed that I can barley walk, "Does your legs hurt?" She asked me and I nod "They are a little sore, but I'm fine" I told her trying to convince her. She rushed to the bathroom. After a couple of minutes she came back and pick me up bridal style. "What are you doing?" I asked her as she walk us to the bathroom "You will take a bath while I pack our things and then I will take a quick shower" she said as she put me into the bath. I smile at her and pulled her in by her neck to give her a kiss "I love you my beautiful booger" I told her making her smile "Love you too, now relax" she said before exit the bathroom. She is the best girlfriend I have ever had. Well now that I think, she is the only girlfriend I have ever had. Well she is the best partner I have ever had, that's better

When I got out of the bath, my legs feel less sore. They wouldn't be sore if I would have taken this bath yesterday night, but I ended exhausted that I didn't even realize how I fell asleep. When I got out of the bathroom I hear Y/N is talking with someone. I think is Scarlett "You must be pretty good at sex" Scarlett told her "Ugh I won't talk with you about this, so shut up and go if you won't help me" Y/N said "Why not, I mean I heard Lizzie's moans and I'm pretty sure you made her feel so good" Scarlett told her, I don't know why I fell uncomfortable with that "Why are you so sure that those were Lizzie's moans?" Y/N asked her making her gasp. Before Scar could asked her something else I make them notice presence "Hi baby" Y/N greeted me walking toward me "Are you feeling better?" She whispered to me and I nod "I will take a quick shower can you continue packing, it's almost done" she requested me and I nod "Yeah go" I told her before pecking her lips

When Y/N went to take a shower I started packing the other things, there are not to many things, Y/N packed almost everything, "So are you going to tell me who was the one with the loud moans?" Scarlett asked me making my face go all red "I'm not telling you, it's private" I told her making her smirk "Oh honey your blushed face tell me all I need" she said laughing. Oh god I'm so embarrassed, I don't know who else heard us. The good thing is that they don't know if those were my moans or Y/N's moans

Y/N got out of the shower, and as soon as she got changed we run to the airport. We arrived just in time. We also have time to buy some breakfast because we haven't eat anything "Baby I will go buy us a coffee do you want something else?" I asked her "No, I'm good with the coffee, do you want me to go with you?" She asked but I shake my head "Nop I'm good, is just there" I told her pointing where I'm going to be and she nod her head smiling at me

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now