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Jasey Foster

Niall took a nap when we got back to the hotel.

As soon as we made it up to my hotel room, I could tell just how tired he was, which he had been trying to conceal all day to avoid making a fuss about it, but when he collapsed on the bed and his face touched the pillow, he was out.

I was tempted to lay there with him, but I had no intention of sleeping, and if I were to sit on the bed while he slept beside me, I worried that any movement from me or any sound nearby would be enough to wake him up.

To avoid this, I found myself sitting on one of the chairs in the corner of the room, reading to pass the time. Considering he didn't sleep on the plane, or when we got to his room last night, I don't want to wake him up too soon, but I know if he sleeps for too long he won't be able to sleep tonight, which would be a pain for the wedding tomorrow.

I lower my book into my lap, looking up to see his arms wrapped underneath the pillow, laying on his stomach with the side of his face pressed into the pillow. A few loose strands of his blond hair fall onto his forehead, and I smile when I see his cheek squished, causing his lips to part, his mouth opened slightly.

The heat as we were walking outside probably did it for him too, making him even more exhausted physically. It's no surprise he fell asleep as soon as he made it to the bed.

My phone suddenly starts to ring, and I jump up immediately at the sound, hoping to get to it before it can wake Niall.

When I grab my phone, I click the lock button once, enough to put it on silent, but being sure not to decline it in the process.

I wasn't expecting a call from this person, but I can't say I'm disappointed to see their name pop up on my screen.

"Hey, P. What's up?" I whisper, stepping towards the bathroom to continue the conversation and leave the bedroom quiet for Niall.

"Nothing really," Paige says. "I just got off work and I had wanted to talk to you, ask you how things are with you-know-who?"

I let out a quiet laugh at her for purposely avoiding saying his name out loud. "He's not Voldemort. You can say his name."

"Well, I didn't know if I was on speaker or if there were people around," she clarifies her hesitance, which I can respect, and I greatly appreciate. "Forgive me for being considerate and cautious. How are things?"

"Good," I say, running a hand through the roots of my hair as I lean against the sink in the bathroom. I cross my one arm over my chest while the other holds my phone to my ear. "Really good. So good." A smile forms on my face. "Thanks for asking. He's in my room right now asleep. We did a lot today, and he was tired from the flight."

"The flight?" she asks, and I realize at this moment that I hadn't shared the news about Scott's wedding with her. I don't have a chance right now, because she is busy bombarding me with questions. "Where the hell are you two? Oh my god, did you leave the country? Did he kidnap you? Jasey, I will get you out of there! Send me your location and I'll be there in a few hours, tops!"

"Paige," I say, laughing a bit at her reaction and urgency. That girl could definitely get me out of some shit if I needed her to. "We're in Vegas."

"Oh," she relaxes, dropping her previous tone. "Vegas. That's fun. You're in Vegas. Wait! You're in Vegas?! Jasey! No! You don't know what you're doing! Oh my god, I know I told you to have fun this summer, but not that much fun! You're going to marry him?! You've lost your mind."

"Woah, what?" I interrupt, my eyes wide. "Marry him? What the hell are you talking about?"

"You're in Vegas!" Paige yells, reminding me exactly why her thoughts are valid.

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