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June 24.

Yeah, so fuck Niall.

Well, until I get some answers.

Unpredictability was fun when I knew there would be a 'next time' between us.

It's been four days.

We haven't spoken in four days.

When most people say 'I'll talk to you later' they usually mean a few hours, a day maybe, but never four whole days, and if they do, they're lying.

I passed him numerous times in the halls, I even rode a few elevators with him, and nothing. Not a word from him.

He'll barely look at me.

I didn't do anything. I couldn't have. I wouldn't have even had the chance to.

We're in Nashville now.

Everything in Memphis is just a distant memory.

The show in Nashville tonight went well, or so I think. I wasn't able to get a comment about it from him because he's still avoiding me.

It feels like Chicago all over again.

Am I overreacting? He could have given me a heads up or something, right?

Louis pulled me into their dressing room as I started to leave, and I've been sitting in there with the four of them in silence for about ten minutes.

"JJ? Are you listening?" Louis' voice pulls me back to reality, and he looks at me with his eyebrows raised when he notices I'm completely out of it.

I must not have been sitting in silence with them. I was clearly just out of it while thinking about the past few days with Niall.

Or without, I should say.

I think what makes it even worse is that I can't even talk to anyone about it or ask what's up with him, considering he doesn't want anyone to know.

"Sorry," I sit up straight, focusing my attention on Louis. "What did you say?"

He sighs when it becomes clear that I hadn't been listening to a word he said for a few minutes.

"There's a party tonight," he repeats, and this time I'm actually listening.

"Oh really? Where?"

"Come on. Were you really not listening to me that entire time I was talking?" He drops his head into his hands, laughing to himself before lifting his head back up.

"My mind was somewhere else," I admit, because it was. "Sorry."

He waves it off. "I was just messing with you. It's at our producer's house."

My head cocks to the side at his comment.

"Your producer is from Tennessee?" I ask for clarification.

They never mentioned being in Tennessee before this. They said their only trips to America before the tour were to New York City and Los Angeles during their writing and recording sessions for their debut album.

"No, he's from London," Liam chimes in, leaning up from where he had been against the wall by the door. He walks over to the mini fridge on the other side of the room, passing Harry on the couch and Niall standing by the fridge, who has been silent this whole time. "He has a house in L.A, London, and Nashville. You know, the big recording spots," he tells me.

"Oh okay," I nod along to Liam's explanation.

"Yeah so, are you coming?" Louis asks as if I already knew I was invited. Maybe he asked while I was zoned out, because this is the first I'm hearing of it.

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