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June 6.

Last night's show went surprisingly well, probably the best so far.

There was definitely a greater number of people at the shows in New York, but the audience in Philadelphia had the most energy I had ever seen at a concert.

This translated well with the band, them taking every moment to reciprocate their excitement and enthusiasm.

Niall looked great. He had just as much energy as the rest of the band, maybe even more.

Tonight they have a show in Atlantic City, and tomorrow we arrive in Baltimore, giving us just one day in New Jersey.

I woke up this morning to texts from Sophie, asking plenty of questions about Harry, seeing she's caught an interest in him.

He's been distant from me since the incident with Niall, and although that was only two nights ago, it feels like it's been much longer. Harry is the only person here that I've grown close with, in a friendly manner, so seeing that he's been distant has been hard for me to understand.

I didn't do anything that would cause this, I don't think. The last thing that happened was us getting coffee in New York, and I personally thought that went well.

But then again, he was chatting away with my father, so I guess things can't be that bad.

I hadn't spoken to my brother since I left for Boston. He seemed occupied with his own summer plans, which I can understand, but it feels like this at any other time of the year, clear separation in interests and never finding time to spend together, leaving me to deal with Sophie on my own.

She's not that bad. We share a lot of the same interests, she's just a pain, but I guess that's just us being sisters.

I scrolled through my phone for a while after I had woken up, breaking that 'stay of my phone when I first wake up' rule already. Whoops.

The second I put my phone down, it started to ring, causing me to groan from the sound of it.

It was still fairly early, and I didn't know who was up yet on our bus, so I answered in a whispered "Hello?"

"Hey, are you up?"

I hadn't even checked the caller ID when I picked up. I guess Niall's suggestion to let out a scream to an unknown number was still floating around in my head, although it is way too early for me to belt out a yell.

The deep English accent was a dead give away as to who was on the other end of the call.

"I am now," I groan.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you? I thought you'd be up by now." His voice was croaky, suggesting that he had just woken up himself.

"No, I was up. Just haven't gotten out of bed yet."

"Are you dressed?" he whispers into the phone, and my eyes widen, wondering where this conversation is going.

"I'm, um, yeah, I'm in pajamas I mean."

"Oh, oh god no, that's not, um, that's not what I, well, I mean, no, no that's not what I meant," Harry managed to spit out. "I meant like, are you dressed and ready for the day?"

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