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Jasey Foster

July 29.

I took Niall back to his hotel after the movie.

The option of him staying the night here definitely wasn't even up for discussion. As soon as we finished watching Scream with Sophie, he was asking when my mother would be home and if it would be okay that he was here so late.

So late, meaning eight at night, but I took him to his hotel anyway to avoid the stress we would both have to endure if my mother came home and saw him here.

Sophie was bummed that he was leaving, and I was too, but I managed to keep from showing that until after she went upstairs and we were alone in the kitchen.

He had grabbed three brownies and wrapped them in napkins to take in the car with him, and he enjoyed those while playing me demos and voice memos that he had recorded over the past few weeks. He had also explained some concepts to me, as well as what he had planned to do with some of the songs, and how he would incorporate the other instruments into it once they were able to record it properly.

I like seeing him in his element like this. It makes me proud, and it's hot.

At times he even generously broke off pieces of a brownie and fed them to me as I drove him to his hotel.

I about fucking lost it when he licked his thumb to clean off a few small crumbs of the brownie that I didn't eat, and he only smiled when he noticed that I had caught on to his intentions of turning me on as I drove.

Almost swerved into a bush.

We said a quick goodbye, one that didn't take much time or require much effort to pull us away from each other considering we both knew we would be seeing each other again this morning briefly before traveling back south to continue the shows that hadn't been canceled over these past few days.

I will say I am disappointed I didn't get to spend as much time home as I would have liked. Granted, I knew it was only going to be three days here, but two of those days turned into travel days, so I really was only left with one. I'm just glad that day was on Sophie Day.

It's only been two days since we arrived, and still it feels like so much has happened.

Meeting Zayn.

Arguing with Matt not once, but twice.

Reuniting and picking back up on a friendship with Paige.

Niall spilling just about every thought that consumes his brain.

And then watching a movie with Sophie and him.

A lot happened, but I'm grateful for all of it. Maybe not arguing with Matt, but just about everything else.

I feel so grateful that Niall trusts me enough to tell me about his past, whether or not it was because he wanted to or because he was ultimately encouraged to. In the end, no one was forcing him to, and he decided on his own. I'm still trying to process everything he said, taking in every detail slowly, even a day later, but I am proud of him for getting through it, and I feel like we can move forward and maybe even grow closer now, since there aren't any barriers between us anymore.

I never got a chance to say a real goodbye to Zayn, but I'm not too worried about it considering the likelihood of me seeing him pretty soon if he decides to open for the band for the rest of the tour. I tried not to mention it when I was driving with him in the backseat, since he seemed so worried that the opportunity could fall through. I doubt it though. My dad had been talking about him all summer, so I'm sure he would be okay with it, especially if he had a connection with one of the band members.

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