-Chapter Eight- Midnight Patrol

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The moon was half of its usual beauty but still penetrated the ceilings glass and radiated the Ravenclaw common room. September's night had settled in and many diligent students have fallen asleep, except for two who had snuck out of there dormitory.
Noctis and Law gasped heavily for air as they sprawled their bodies on the common room couch, letting their sweat ooze into the wool. The blue flames had been extinguished from the fire place and the paintings had all gone into resting for the night, grumpy whenever a creak in the floorboards were made.

'Why on earth did Pedro throw books at us?,' gasped Law who found a purpose for his night robes as a sweat towel.
'He didn't have his glasses on so he must have been frightened,' answered Noctis, offering his handkerchief. 'We're just lucky he didn't suspect anything and came following us.'
'Well now you're making me feel bad for him.'
'I can't say I disagree. Anyways, you ready?' asked Noctis. 'I've inked the route we should take to avoid Carpe and also the prefects. If I am correct, the prefects have a certain area they have to patrol during their commission. We only really need to watch out for the Slytherin one, Clancy. '
'Sure, I suppose I will give you the honour of leading the way, Noctis of the wisdom,' said Law as he Jokingly bowed. Noctis nudged his shoulder and glared.
'Ok ok I'll get get serious. How about Peeves though?' asked Law anxiously. 'He can show up anywhere at anytime.'
Noctis pulled out bundles of thread from his pocket and tugged at it with his hands to show it's strength. In the darkness of the room, the slender threads emitted a glorious yellow luminescence that slightly lightened the shadows of the room.
'These are threads from Professor Cecelia. I asked her last week that I needed some to bind an old book. I've mentioned this to you before if you've been paying attention, but Peeves is weak to her threads. We saw it with our very own eyes remember?'
'Oh yeah. Now I remember, but I think wrapping him is much more difficult then you say it is. He surely isn't going to happily accept being a life size pastry as you coil him in string. '
Noctis unsheathed from his wand night gown and aimed it at the statue of a majestic woman by the fire place. ' I guess I'll just show you.'
'Colligerio,' he whispered.
The threads from his palm changed to a brilliant blue tint and shot towards the statue. It coiled around it tightly and the stony face of the statue had contorted into a bitter expression of discomfort.
'Disrespectful to your predecessors, are you not?' said an unrecognisable voice.
'Centuries of the most gifted wizards and you two happen to trample the Ravenclaw name. Furthermore, even tarnishing my mothers statue.'
Noctis and Law turned around to only feel a cool gust of wind brush their fringes. Before their very eyes, hovered a milky translucent ghost with silky hair that flowed in thin air.
'You're Helena Ravenclaw, am I correct?' asked Law.
'Indeed. Now may I ask why you two are here at this time of the hour.'
Noctis gulped and glanced at Law expecting him to reply to this. However, Law was caught in a trance from the sudden turn of events and couldn't stare at anything except for his slippers.
'Both of us have detention. In fact, I think we should be going now, otherwise we'll be late. Come on Law, let's go,' said Noctis as he pinched Law's nightgown from behind.
Law cleared his throat suspiciously, 'Err yeah. That's right.'
Helena seemed to not believe their excuses but nevertheless, let the boys through.
'I know you two are not telling the truth. Fiddling with fingers. Twitching eyes. Sweating. All rudimentary signs of liars.'
She gave a cold but touching smile.
'I know too much of it myself. But I guess trouble is always a lesson worth experiencing.'

Helena hovered away from the bookshelf disguised as the entrance and allowed for Noctis and Law to pass through. They paused at the entrance expecting the owl to screech at the sight of two escapees but it remained silent. The once majestic owl perched on top of the doorway snored with a metallic chyme and did not give a riddle this time.

Hogwarts no longer had the dazzling charm of history and mystery in the eeriness of the night. The corridors were overtaken by the darkness and only certain patches of the carpet were highlighted with the moonlight. Law tugged onto Noctis' robes at the mere sound of the knight's armour rustling in fear that they might spring to life.
'Let's hurry up and make this quick. Your detention is on Wednesday next week, so we need to quickly analyse the schedule of Carpe. During this time of the night, there are spots I would like to call safe zones and spots called patrol zones. Do you understand?' whispered Noctis.
'I think I do. Right now this is a safe corridor isn't it?'
'Correct. Anyways, if we take a left from here and head straight then down the stairs, we will be in the dentition segment of the dungeon. But we have to watch out for that Slytherin prefect. You're the key part in this as well, the walking and talking orb. Helping us to detect-'
'Hey! I'm more than just an orb you know,' Law uttered in a whisper of retaliation. 'If I'm going to use foresight, i think i should use it just before we turn corners because it gets more accurate the closer the event is.'

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