-Chapter Three- The Very Familiar Alley

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The day to go and buy school supplies had finally come. The only problem that occurred to Noctis was that he had no coins to purchase a single quill. There was no other way around it, he had to ask his father. As he approached the door of his fathers bedroom he took an anxious gulp feeling worried about how his father would act. He gently pushed the door open and found the room in a pitch black state. The blinds shielded the room of any sunlight and his father was hurdled up in his lonely king sized mattress.
'Er father, I-I...need some coins for my school list,' said Noctis feeling a bit uneasy.
There was an uncomfortable minute of silence from the darkness until a fat velvet pouch slide across the floor, to his feet. Noctis picked it up and the clattering of coins sounded like it had more than enough money.
'Go to Diagon Alley by yourself by carriage and get your school supplies. Do not show your face to me again until next year,' said his father in an uncaring tone. He flicked his hand at Noctis in a shoeing motion and Noctis went back to his room to get ready for the trip. He pulled up his trousers, rolled up his sleeves and snatched his trusty hat from his bedside. As he walked through the hallway, Delphine approached him.
'Mind if I come? The others have bought from their supply list already,' she said. 'Sure,' said Noctis as he tightened his hat.
The two of them reached the carriage and came to a realisation. They don't have a coachman to control the carriage.
"How are we supposed to get to Diagon Alley now," commented Delphine as she rubbed her chin.
The carriage must have had ears because as Delphine mentioned Diagon Alley, the doors swung open. They both climbed into the carriage and the doors abruptly closed behind them.
'Better not offend the carriage. It might throw us into a lake,' Noctis jokingly said as he patted the leather cushions.
After an hour or so of staring through the window while Delphine had her nose in her text book, the boredom had settled in. Tapping the window glass to make rhythms were no longer fun and the journey started to feel slower. He decided it would be a great opportunity to ask about Hogwarts.
'So what should I know before going to hogwarts?' asked Noctis to break the silence.
'Well first things first, you will get sorted into a house. It's just an wrinkly hat that decides where you go. As you already know, most of our family are in Slytherin but I....ended up in Hufflepuff. I wouldn't be surprised if you joined me. Most important thing is to make friends, not enemies,'
'That is true but I'm not like you Delphine. I don't give happiness and I surely can't smile,' said Noctis as he attempts to smile. It only came off as a crooked and awkward attempt of one.
'Who said you have to be kind and caring to get friends? Sometimes it's more about how you can connect to people,' suggested Delphine.
'How about spells? Surely there will be useful and useless ones,' wondered Noctis.
'What a coincidence, I was just reading some spells right here.' She showed Noctis a diagram of a wand and hand movements though the carriage was rather shaky. This could only mean the terrain has changed from dirt to the stone pavement of a familiar place.
'We must be here. Diagon Alley,' said Noctis with a hint of excitement.
As they reached Diagon Alley, It looked just as spectacular as usual to Noctis. The twisting and turning streets packed with all sorts of shops were no different than his last visit. The sunlight would usually radiate off the streets but it was a completely different view this time. The stores had set their lanterns alight which illuminated the nightly street in an enchanting way. As they explored deeper into the alley, Noctis couldn't help but be awed by the mysterious objects he had seen. He passed shops for brooms, cauldrons and even a pets as he dodged through the thick crowds. There was a particular potions shop that displayed grotesque and unidentifiable jarred contents. A store that offered an odd selection of lollies and sweets would usually entice children but Noctis had a dislike for sweets. Although the shop had already closed, the front of the store still supplied samples of "Trollie Pop's. A lollipop that tasted like troll boogie but ended in sweety delight." Noctis decided to politely pass on the kind offer.
'I'm going to go browse in the Madam Sleeks Hair Care store. Don't worry about your equipment, I'll do those for you but meet me at The LeakyCauldron at 8 sharp,' said Delphine as she merged into the crowd.
Noctis peered down at his list:

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