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Secretly dating

• Asta told Yuno

• Noelle told kahano

• they always sneak off to go on dates

• nobody suspected them for a whole year

• Asta always touches Noelle in ways they aren't obvious to other people but she knows

• Nero and Liebe found out by themselves

• Asta began to talk about Noelle way more

• Noelle would always get flustered around Asta

• they would flirt a lot

• they would get obviously jealous

• people would set them up not knowing that they're dating already

• Yami was the first to know hands down

• they were a little too excited to be sent on missions together alone

• they sneak into each other's rooms at night to cuddle

•they shower together sometimes

(Sorry this is short)

Any request for a new chapter?

ASTAXNOELLE ONLY (I'm not a hentai artist yet so I can't do any astaxmero or whatever y'all ask for$

Idiots in love<3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz