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Au where none of the black bulls don't know noelles birthday, but asta, and Nero. (Turning 18)

Astas Pov:

Today is Noelle's birthday. It's a beautiful day, it's snowing, everyone is wearing warm clothes, the smell of cinnamon, cake, and different foods they people usually cook on holiday's. Today is November 11th. Noelle slept in, she didn't even mention her birthday yesterday, well she never does, whenever the black bulls ask her her age she tells them but nobody ever wonders about her birthday.

I guess it's because it's she doesn't talk about it which makes people forget? Enough about that! I'm currently getting ready to go out, to buy her some things! I'm gonna try and make a cake with number 18 candles, some present's, and I'm writing her a birthday letter. I was thinking of asking her siblings about her birthday, but they don't have a good relationship, well, besides Nozel.

"What are you doing?' I hear liebe ask, suddenly popping up out of nowhere. "I'm getting dressed for noelles special day!" I exclaimed happily. "Birthday?" Liebe asked. "Uhh, Yeah!!" I say in a "obviously" tone. "Oh" he just says as he goes away again. I roll my eyes, he always does this.

I decide to put on a pair of black sweatpants, a grey tank top, a grey denim jacket, and some black shoes. I don't wear my headband, and I try and do my hair a little, then spray myself with a little men's body spray. "Okay!! Let's go!!" I yell is I walk out of my room.  I soon find the common room and see the other black bulls sitting down. "You missed breakfast asta!" Miz Charmy says worried about me. "Oh, you look great asta!! Where are you going?!" Vanessa says holding her words as she talks. "A date?" Finral asks wiggling his eyebrows.

"I'm going into town to do something, why do you guys need me?" I ask. "No, but we're going out to eat later, we asked noelle and she said no, and since you seem busy I guess you're not going either?" Finral says in a defeated tone of voice. "Yeah, I'm not going, I'm kinda busy with something important." I say while walking words the door. I hear someone gasp and I look back to see yami and nacht with their hands over their chest making offended faces at me.

"What?" I ask. "So whatever you're doing is more important than us/me?" Yami and nacht say at the same time. "Uhh, Yeah kinda." I say while scratching my neck. "Damn, that's sad" magna said while walking out of the kitchen. "No, it isn't, well kinda, but you'll understand why later! Gotta go!!" I say while running out of the door.

I hop on my sword and start flying to the kingdom, to ask Rebecca to help me make a cake for Noelle. I soon make it to Rebecca's restaurant and walks in, thank god it's still closed. "Hey! Rebecca!!" I yell. "Yes!!" She yells from the kitchen. "I need favor!" I yell back. "Okay, come to the kitchen" she yells.

I walk in the kitchen, as her siblings run to me. "Hi guys" I smile at the kids while they were climbing on me. "Play with us asta!!" They repeat over and over again. "I'm sorry guys, I kinda have a packed day. Let's play next time!" I say petting the kids head. "Awww, Okay" they pout.

"What was it that you needed asta?" Rebecca asked. "Uh, I need your help making a cake for Noelle's birthday!! I know this is on such short notice, but I really need it!! It's her birthday and I don't know if she's-" I couldn't finish before Rebecca cuts me off. "Okay, okay, I get it. I'll help you." Rebecca says in a calm voice. "Thank you so much!!" I yell as I hug her! "Now where to start!?" I say ready to get the cake done. 

"First, a apron." Rebecca says tossing one to me. I put it on and we move on to the next step. "Ingredients." Rebecca says walking to her fridge. "What flavor cake does Noelle like?" Rebecca ask's. "I thought that you'd know that since you two talk a lot, I mean I don't know a specific flavor but I do know that she likes sweet strawberries, and chocolate!" I say happily.

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