Bad dreams from the past

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(A/N: I'm gonna use some head cannons in this)

The headcannons:
Noelle kept the scar from when Asta decapitated her( when he cut her head off)

Let's begin.

Red. The sky, the clouds, the wind, everything around him was red. The smell of cold metal surrounded Asta and filled up his lungs once the wind blew. His whole body was sore, his head was throbbing, he couldn't breath, it was hard for him to move. Yet his body was moving by itself.

He heard the pleading of his friends around him as he walked forward. Each step felt heavy, as his feet hit the ground. His body hunched over, as he growled.

He was in no control of his body.

The blood that was left on the ground and his sword stained what was left of his clothes. As he heard a loud boom over his head. He looked up as rain started to fall, as his eyes slowly started to close. He was pretty sure that the rain was blood, and it terrified him.

He slowly started to walk forward again. His limp body walking up to a blood-red Cross. He slowly looked up, trying to see who the person was. She wore a short purple dress, and a white vest. He looked into the persons eyes, the girls eyes that were similar to gemstones.

She looked terrified as she softly said the boy's name.

"No......elle" he said. Trying his best not to harm the girl as he did his other friends. Asta was aware that it was a dream, yet it was so hard to get in control, as if it was an punishment. "Wake up dammit!" He yelled in his head. "WAKE UP!!" He screamed to himself, not wanting to live through harming Noelle ever again. He began to cry as he begged himself to wake up.

His hands slowly began to rise, lifting up the heavy sword. Noelle looked up at the sword with wide eyes, and back to Asta. He was trying his hardest not to hurt her, and she knew.

"Asta..." she said. The boy looked into her eyes, they were filled with tears. She held a soft smile on her face. She was ready to accept death. Asta began to cry even more trying his best to stop, his muscles straining as he tried not to kill her. He looked into her eyes one more time, that some look that she always gave him.

Her eyes sparkled, even though you couldn't read her expression. Her ki was warm and comfortable. He felt an insane amount of "trust" coming from the girl which he soon realized was love. His eyes grew wide as she smiled at him. Then his control over himself was lost completely, the sword came down and sliced into the girls neck, cutting her head completely off.

Asta screamed the girls name, making his voice go out as he regained control of his body and fell to the ground, that was covered in blood. He grabbed his chest and screamed.

The boy shot up from his sleep and looked around breathing heavily. "Noelle" He said softly as he quickly stood up out of his head and grabbed his sweat pants and ran from his room.

He ran quickly to the girl's room, dodging any traps. He stood in front of a grand door that said "SILVA" in noelles fancy handwriting. He slowly opened the door and walked in. The smell of strawberries and cream hit him, his heart began to clench, noelles signature smell. He saw a lump in the girl's bed, and long silver hair.

He walked over to the bed and saw her sleeping. He ran his hands through her loose hair moving it out of her face swing the scar on her neck made him gag, he felt horrible, his throat began to hurt as he fought back tears. He placed a soft kiss on the scar as his tears fell from his eyes. He stood up and started to walk away, making Noelle wake up.

"Asta" She whispered. Asta stopped in his tracks, with his head held low. Noelle got out of bed and walked over to the boy. She grabbed his hand and tried to turn him to face her but he fought back. She sighed and placed her head into the crook his shoulder.

"I'm fine, it's okay, I'm here" she said as she placed her hands around his waist. Being comforted by her made him loose his composure. His tears begun to fall as he tried to apologize to her. His words came out in choked up sobs. She hugged him tighter then let him go. He quickly turned around to her missing her embrace. She wiped his tears and pulled him over to her bed.

They both got in and lay down. Asta put his head on her chest to listen to her heartbeat which was fast because She was nervous and shy. Making him feel a little better. She put her ringers in his hair starching his scalp, listening to his soft sobs.

They both soon fell asleep. Asta had a good dream, about the two of them dancing under a big waterfall, laughing and getting wet. They were singing loudly running around. Noelle wore a loose white dress that exposed her back and chest. The front part stopping above her bellybutton. Asta wore a white dress shirt and white shorts. They both were barefoot, but Noelle had a white ribbon at the end of a single braid in her hair and asta wore a white headband.

Their clothes began to become see-through, but they kept running around singing, dancing, and laughing. They had them run away from the waterfall and ran into a field of aster flowers. They were dancing, singing, running, and playing in the wide field. In the far distance they could see the black bulls setting up a picnic. Noelle then fell in the flowers and pulled Asta down with her.

He fell on top of the girl who was laughing. He had a huge smile on his face. The girl softly placed her hands on his cheeks and pulled his face down. They slowly brought their faces closely together then they kissed. It was slow, soft and long. It made Asta feel happy and warm. She smiled and hugged the boy, then he placed a flower into her hair. "I love you" He said.

He then got really flustered at his own words, but the girl quickly kissed him and said I love you too. Asta smiled giving the girl hundreds of kisses on her face, repeating the words "I love you, Noelle".

He then woke up to see noelle sleeping next to him. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and left, felling extremely flustered. He went into the bathroom doing his morning routine, but didn't shower I'm until he came back from his morning workout.

He took a bathe thought about the dream smiling brightly. He got out with a towel rapped around him when realization hit him all over again at once. He looked in the mirror. "I'm in love with noelle" he said. His face rose red, and he couldn't hide his smile, but he also noticed his red puffy eyes. He shook his head and began getting Dressed.

"Time for breakfast" he said as he walked down into the eating area. He saw Noelle talking to Vanessa causing him to smile brightly. "Asta, you seem happy" Finral said, reaching over to grab me a plate. "I am" he said.

"Hmm" the black bulls said questioning the boy. "I had a good sleep, and a good dream" Asta said smiling. Noelle slightly blushed. "Is that so" Yami said felling his and noelles ki. "Yeah" Asta said smiling softly looking at noelle, making her blush more. The rest of the bulls were confused as hell.

Asta took his spot next to noelle and smiled at her and began eating his breakfast. "I'm so lucky" he said out loud. The black bulls looked at him tilting their heads. He just smiled to himself.

"The person that I'm in love with loves me back" he thought smiling. "This is nice" he said smiling largely. "A boy in love" Yami thought as he chuckled and shook his head.


I really liked this chapter, I enjoy the thought of Asta being in love with noelle, it makes me feel warm and sweet. And makes me smile. I really enjoyed writing this chapter.


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