Astas headband✺

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Not astaxnoelle just a random idea
(Aster flowers)
A fresh Sunday evening, it was warm but not too warm, a little chilly, a little sunny, birds chirping, the villagers talking, everyone at the church doing their chores. Asta was currently walking around, he had gotten done with his chores before everyone else and planned to spend a whole day of training. "Asta, can you help me move these things" sister lily asked a 10 year old Asta "yes!!" Asta yelled back running tword the lady. He was moving water buckets, wood, baskets of clothings and other things.

"Asta we have an ordering of candles coming in today can you go out and get them?" Father asked. "Where's yuno? Why can't he? I plan on training!!" Asta said raising an eyebrow. "He's going to pick up our new ordering of bibles" Father said walking out of the room that he was in. Asta sighed. "It's still early, you have all day to train" Father said. Asta didn't respond and walked out of the door.

Asta walked into town, looking around, not speaking to anyone, who didn't speak to him. Hearing children run around, the smell of coffee and food, adults talking. He enjoyed the feeling that the day was giving. He soon arrived in front of a shop that was decorated in crosses and other religious figures, he walked in. The smell of books and candles hit his nose. He looked around and saw holy water, crosses, clothes for priest and nuns, fans, and everything that you would find in a church.

"Welcome boy, are you perhaps here for something?" Someone at the register asked. "Yeah actually I'm here for an ordering of candles for Father Orsi Orfai"

"Oh, we have his order here" the person said. "Thanks" Asta said. They gave him 5 big boxes full for candles of all sizes. "Son, do you need help?" The person asked. "Nah, I got it" Asta said effortlessly carrying the boxes. "But they're taller than you" the person said causing Asta to smack his lips. "Here I'll give you something to pull them in" the person said.

Asta just nodded and put the stuff into the wagon. "Use this whenever you need to get candles or anything child" the person laughed. Asta modded, thanked the man, and walked out. He decided to take a longer route home, enjoying nature, and taking in the scent of the candles. As he walked Father down he noticed how different this area looked. Something was pulling him in to the area of the town, was he even in the town anymore, maybe on the outskirts, maybe more, but hopefully not far from home.

As he walked farther down, he saw a meadow of flowers. The area was beautiful but it made him feel at lost. Like he had lost something dear, an Empty feeling. He got deeper into the flowers, they grew heavily in one spot, he stopped there and crouched down to touch the flowers. When his hands made contact he felt all types of emotion. Denial, anger, bargaining, melancholy, extreme hatred, love, confusion, vengeance, and regret. He quickly pulled his hand away, and touched his face. Tears were falling from his eyes, leaving the boy confused. Why did he feel this way over some flowers, were they cursed, was it magic.

He wouldn't be able to know Because of the fact that he didn't have any magic or mana. He stood up and walked away from that spot. He felt a growing feeling in his heart as he kept walking. Then he stumbled up on a house. "What's this" Asta said walking in. There it was, that feeling in his heart completely overtook him. Tears started falling from his eyes leaving him confused. Touching the table and counters. Looking at the bed and clothings for a child and adult woman. Faded out pictures to the point where you couldn't make out who was in the pictures.

Someone with the same eyes as his, is all that he knew. He sat down on the bed, still crying, rubbing the bed, and empty feeling touched his heart. Making him lay down, anyone could tell that this place was abandoned. He stared at the ceiling for a bit, falling asleep.

Asta heard the crying of a woman. He felt himself getting picked up and placed into something warm. The boy raised up his arms, seeing that they were 10x smaller. "What's this" the boy thought. The woman picked up the thing that the boy rested in. The woman started walking, still crying. "What's wrong" Asta asked but all that came out was baby sounds. "I'm sorry Asta" the woman said crying. Confusing Asta, What was her problem and why was she sorry.

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