One Shot #1 - First Kiss (Part 1)

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My first one shot! And this was requested by  ShadowDreamHeart!!

(you can pick either ones for the chapter. Both not my songs btw)

(Shadow POV)

I laid in my hammock, looking through my scrapbook of creature adventures. The scrapbook has photos of all the animals that I have rescued and taken care of. Then I came across a photo of a certain brown eyed brunette. 

Chris. My long time crush. We meet when we were in elementary school and I've had the biggest crush on him ever. I've always hidden it from my friends because I knew they would tease me about it.

The photo was of him petting Spot Swat in Africa. It was the cutest picture ever in my opinion. I sighed and put my book down. I closed my eyes for half a second when I got a text from my best friend, Astrid.

(Bold text means messages)

Astrid: Still nervous about Chris?

Shadow: Of course I am! Wouldn't you?

Astrid: Yeah I would if I had a crush lol. 

Shadow: I don't think he will ever love me!


Astrid: I'm kidding, say whatever emotions you want. But just remember that Sparta and I are always here for you!

Shadow: Thanks friendo.

Astrid: Heyyyy, that's my line!

I smiled. Astrid always made me feel better. She's been my best friend ever since she joined Wattpad. Her best friend, Sparta, always texted me to check on how things were doing and often gave me advice about Chris.

Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in my head. It was only morning but I had a plan. I would tell Chris how I feel! But with creature powers! I jumped out of my hammock to gather all my creature power discs.

(Chris POV)

Ugh! My brother made me look bad in front of Shadow! Yes, I have a crush on her. I've had a crush on her ever since I laid eyes on her. Yeah, yeah. I know it sounds cheesy, but how could you not love her?!

(Shadow POV)

Laying all my creature power discs on the table in the Tortuga, I neatly arranged them by color. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Just like Chris . Haha very funny. But no! I like organizing things! 

Anyways, I looked for a very special creature power disc. It's the Jaguar power disc. Not the Black Jaguar, but the ✨J a g u a r✨.

 The Jaguar is perfect. Good thing we love big cats. We were in the amazon rainforest, which is great cause I have an 85% chance of finding a jaguar. I have to look for it really well.

(Chris POV)

WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE, WE GOT FUN AND GAMES! I can just hear Welcome to the Jungle by Guns N Roses playing in my head. Shadow had told me that her best friend had introduced her to the song and thought it was a great song. Then she showed me, because I have some 80's rock in my playlists.

Hold up. I'm walking in the jungle, she's probably looking for a creature in the jungle. This might work out. 

(would you like a part 2?) 😘🥰

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