Their bedroom!!!

Aditi and Keshav's honeymoon pictures already framed in there pricked my eyes like thorns. Anger bubbled up more inside me but thanks to my medications I took a hold on it. I was about to leave the room is when my eyes fell on a small coffee table which had candles and rose petals which turned my life upside down all over again...

There was a pair of baby boots and a pregnancy test kit which tested positive along with a note which read

We love you Keshav/Dadda ❤️

And there my heart broke into a billion pieces !!!

Aditi was married just a month ago and that Aditi who didn't want to keep our baby even after years of marriage got pregnant with Keshav's baby within a month of marriage!!!

Aditi was pregnant with Keshav's child and she was happy about it...

My hands kept shivering and I lost my head that night. I couldn't stop there for a nano second and rushed out of that house...I needed air...

Everything kept flashing infront of my eyes...

I don't want the child Naman

But why Aditi??? It's years to our marriage...why not???

Because I don't want to!!!

But Aditi you are already 6 weeks pregnant... it's already there...

It was unplanned Naman!!! I..I understand your emotions towards this baby but you have to understand me as well!!! I'm not ready to take up this responsibility...I'm just 27 Naman...I'm too young for this!!!

Aditi we will learn it... even I'm's my first baby too...but haven't you seen Bro and Vanni...they have been such fantastic parents...they are blessed with twins...why not us Aditi...we can also be hands on parents

Everytime you cannot compare us and Siya-Raghav Naman... Different people have different aspirations... and I really want to give my 200 percent to Prabhu Group of's the first time in my life that I am loving what I'm doing...we are expanding in London too..and just like how you and Raghav have built a successful chain in India and Dubai...I want do the same in London...

No one is saying you not to is it even connected

It is!!! It's my dream that I have realised lately... please Naman...I have worked days and nights for this...I have got the investors and you know how much I have worked towards getting the setup right in London...if this goes fine..this will be the finest of the hotels Prabhu Group ever established...

Aditi can realise your dream...I'm not asking you to step's just that doctor has asked you not to travel

Naman...that is know I have to go to meet the investors personally

I will go...i will handle this

Naman this is my project and you were never involved in this...nor Raghav...let me do this...and anyways I'm not ready to be a mother yet

What do you exactly mean by not ready already are pregnant Aditi!!!

I am pregnant...but not in a condition to keep the child Naman

What do you mean Aditi???

I mean...I


Ummmm can we abort the child!

Are you out of your senses Aditi??? How can you? Fine you don't want the baby...but I do!!! It's my child too ..and no you won't abort it

Supplementary Love (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora