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A Jailbird, Invalid, Martyr, Cutter, And Parasitic Twin

I'm making the lunches when Debbie walks in.

"Is Fiona coming down for breakfast?" She asks.

"She's not up yet." I tell her.

Debbie playfully gasps as she walks over to Liam. "Here's your Tang, Liam. Here you go, baby."

Debbie then passes it to Carl. "Make sure he drinks the whole thing. He needs his electrolytes."

"Okay." Carl nods.

"That's right. Nothing goes into your mouth unless we give it to you, buddy." I smile at Liam.

"What's that smell?" Debbie sniffs.

"Frank, stop smoking weed!" I yell upstairs to him.

"Carl, get Liam away from the stairs." Debbie says to him.

"Who is going to take Liam today?" Carl asks.

"Lip and I decided that on some days I'll watch him and on others he can take him up to college with him." I tell him.

"Can we order a pizza tonight?." Carl smiles.

"It's too expensive, sorry. We're back to generics from Food 4 Less and dumpster driving." I say to him.

"I could buy a few groceries." Sammi walks into the kitchen with Chuckie following behind her.

"Yeah, that would be nice since we have two extra mouths to feed." Debbie glares at them.

"Look, can you please tell Frank to lay off the weed?" I ask Sammi.

"He's very sick. Worse than ever." She says.

"Yeah, well, we're very out on our asses if the social worker makes a visit and the place smells like Snoop Dogg." I say to her.

"The only reason we're even letting you stay here is to take care of Frank." Debbie tells her.

"I don't think you guys understand." She says.

"Oh, understand?" Debbie questions.

"We've lived with that asshole our whole lives." I say.

"And you're trying to play big sis?" Debbie adds.

"You're lucky we don't bounce you to the curb." Carl says.

"So if we say no more weed.." I start.

"We mean no more weed." Debbie finishes.

"Okay, fine." Sammi agrees.

"Good. Now listen, everybody remember that when the social worker does show up, and I'm not here, you text me immediately. Okay?" I tell them.

"What about Fiona?" Carl asks.

"I got her covered." I answer. "I just need you guys to stall the social worker till I get back."

lover || mandy milkovich Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora