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Frank the Plank

I walk into the house and see that Ian is passing burgers around, which I assume Steve bought.

Karen Jackson is also there.  Apparently her and Lip are dating or whatever, I wasn't really listening when he was telling me all about it.

I didn't mind Karen. I only knew her from school and we never spoke so I knew nothing really about her except her reputation of being a "whore."

"Hey Morgs!" Debbie smiles as I ruffle her hair.

"Morgan this is Karen" Lip introduces me to the blonde haired girl beside him.

"Oh hey!" I politely smile and then sit down in between Ian and Carl.

"Shush!" Fiona shouts as some fishing documentary begins.

Everyone goes silent as we all ate our food and watched the tv.

Then the door swings open and Frank comes in.

"Woah Frank, are you okay?" Steve asks. I look over and see that his nose and mouth are covered in blood.

"Wait, is that my shirt?" I ask as I stand up and walk over to him.

"Yeah" Frank nods his head as he walks closer to me, glaring at me, causing me to take a few steps back.

"Oh, I'm just asking" I reply as he continued to glare at me. Then out of nowhere he collides his head with my nose causing me to fall down on top of the coffee table.

I clench on to my nose as sharp pains run through it.

"Pass that on to your twin" I hear Frank say as Fiona, Ian and Veronica rush over to me.

I can hear Steve yelling as Fiona holds a tissue to my nose while Ian places his hand on my shoulder.

"It's a bloody nose! She's not dying!" Frank says. "Seriously Frank?" Veronica replies as she glared at him.

Fiona then follows Frank out into the kitchen and everyone else begins to crowd around me.

"I'm fine" I said as I pushed past them all and ran upstairs into the bathroom, locking the door.

I look at myself in the mirror. I wasn't going to let a waste of space like Frank make me cry.

I tried my best to clean up my nose without hurting myself too much.


I was applying cheap concealer to my face, trying to made it look not as bad as it really was but it wasn't exactly working well.

Then Lip and Ian both came into the room at the same time.

"You should've hit him back." Lip says.

"Yeah well I'm saving all my energy for when I do actually kill him" I smile.

"Yeah well prison isn't that bad.. I think?" Ian chimes in.

"It wouldn't be for you anyways, horny men everywhere" Lip says to Ian as we all laugh.

"I'm going to Mickey's, I'll be back later." I said as I put on my coat.

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