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A Bottle of Jean Nate /

I walk into the bathroom and see Grammy in the bath, while Frank scrubs her back.

I start to laugh. "I'm sure the guys at The Alibi will love this one." I take out my phone and take a picture of them.

"You're a bitch." Frank says while I laugh.

I grab my toothbrush and the toothpaste.

Lip then walks in.

"That's a disturbing image." He says as he looks the other way.

"You're scrubbing like a pussy, scrub harder." Grammy tells Frank.

Lip goes over to toilet and unzips his trousers.

I roll my eyes, knowing that he's just doing it to annoy me, and that there is a toilet downstairs.

"You fuck girls with that pecker?" Grammy asks.

I speed up the pace of brushing my teeth, wanting to get out as fast as possible.

"As often as they let me." Lip smirks.

"It's hard to believe he got Karen pregnant with that thing. It's so small, isn't it?" Frank laughs.

"Don't kiss up to me because you feel like a worthless piece of shit." Grammy says.

I spit out the toothpaste and quickly leave.

"Assfuck." I joke to Carl while walking past.

"Dickhead." He says as he flips me off.

"Oh, good, you're up." Fiona says when she sees me.

Lip follows me downstairs.

"You guys talking yet?" Fiona asks.

I don't say anything, which gives her the answer.

Carl then suddenly falls down through the washing chute.

"Carl!" Fiona exclaims.

"Why have I never done that before?" Carl laughs.

"You have too much time on your hands. Summer school next year." Fiona tells him.

"How much is in the winter squirrel fund?" Ian asks.

"A little over 9 grand." Fiona says.

"Is that all we have, all winter?" Lip questions.

"Frank screwed us when he gave Liam away." Fiona tells him.

Fiona then passes us each a bundle of cash. "School supplies and clothing. Nothing else, I want to see receipts."

The bathroom door opens and Jasmine walks out.

"You're still here?" Fiona asks.

"I got caught up reading a magazine." She smiles.

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