Chapter 10; The discussion

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Anya's POV
We finally reached the Cullens house with little disagreements. Bella and Alice angrily took a cab whilst everyone else road in either Carlisle's Mercedes or Emmett's Jeep.

It was silent the whole way there. Everyone was unsure and uncomfortable with the events that happened a few moments ago.

We all entered the living room and either sat down or stood up behind the couches. Dad was seated in between Carlisle and Esme on one of the couches with Jasper standing next to them staring at Corin with an unreadable expression while she stared back with an uncomfortable, but long look towards Jasper.

Emmett sat in one of the two singular chairs with Rosalie sitting in his lap. Bella and Alice sat on the one loveseat glaring at everyone hatefully. I sat on the other couch with Katya, Paul, and Leah. Katya and I being in the middle. Demetri and Corin stood behind us. Edward was in the other singular chair.

Everyone had a serious expression on their face. I swallowed and spoke first "We spoke with the Volturi and as it turns out I'm their mate" dad, Leah, and Paul looked stunned as I continued "We came to sn agreement that would result without anyone dying" Carlisle spoke on behalf of his coven "Please, continue, Queen Anya."

I smiled at him and nodded "First and foremost Bella, Katya, dad, and I must be turned," Paul and Leah went to protest but Katya cut them off "It was either that or die. Anya may be queen, but she is not above the law. If she doesn't follow the law, how can we expect anyone else to? It'd be anarchy and chaos. I will become a vampire to keep the peace, and nothing more. If you don't like it, then you can leave."

She was met with silence and she nodded for me to continue. I shot her a grateful smile then said "Katya, her mates, and I will be expected to move to Volterra after graduation. Then we will be turned. Dad, you can come with us, or stay with Carlisle and Esme. Either way Aro wished for you to have this," Demetri immediately placed a small box in front of dad and opened it revealing a silver Volturi crest.

Dad carefully picked it up before asking "Why would I need this?" "Since I'm the queen that makes you the king dowager. This crest will show others of your title, like a crown" he hesitated, but put it on nonetheless once he realized that Katya and I wore the crest.

I cleared my throat as I continued "Bella will be turned then she and Alice will depart and live as nomads until they find a knew coven or start their own. These orders came directly from Aro, as he has seen the havoc that these two have created"

"Should anyone ask of our whereabouts you are all to tell them that Katya and I are attending college in Italy, and Bella will be backpacking through Europe. Dad you can decide if you were offered a job as a detective in Italy or Alaska. Let me know what you decide so we can have paperwork forged. That should be all, are there any questions?"

Rosalie spoke on behalf of her family "Are you and Katya still angry with us?" Katya answered this time "No" Paul spoke up "Why do we have to go to Italy? And what's our cover story?" Leah nodded, and once again Katya answered "As my mates you are expected to remain by my side as I am expected to remain by Anya's side. The cover story is that Leah was offered a free scholarship for cooking and you moved to Italy with her as a favor to Harry and Sue" Paul and Leah nodded understandingly.

I spoke again "If that is all then we will disband the meeting. Dad you need to talk to Bella in private. Jasper, Corin we need to discuss the mating bond" everyone nodded and left. Dad took Bella home to inform her that she slept with her biological father. That'll be fun.

Katya dragged Leah and Paul back to Paul's place for some alone time. Most likely to show off her corset.

Jasper sat on the couch in front of me while Corin sat in the singular chair closest to him. Demetri remained standing behind me. I sighed and started by asking "Do you both accept the bond?"

Jasper and Corin eagerly nodded. I smiled and said "Then Jasper you will be returning with us to Volterra and join the guard" Jasper stood up and walked towards me. He bent over at a 90 degree angle and lifted my right hand to place a kiss on it.

"Thank you for the opportunity Queen Anya, I will not fail you or the kings" I squeezed his hand "Thank you Jasper. You and Corin are dismissed for the night.Now the two of you can bond" Jasper smiled at me before taking her hand and walking to his bedroom with Corin.

Demetri took me home by carrying me bridal style there. When we entered the house to hear Bella demanding that dad retake the test since Katya and I were clearly lying to cover our tracks. She was also denying that she slept with Waylon.

I was excoriated to my room where Demetri left me alone to change into pajamas. Demetri came in once I was dressed and checked to make sure that the windows were locked. Then he bid me good night and left the room.

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