Chapter 03; Spending time with Jacob

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A/n: I'm sorry if the timeline with the Avengers is messed up. I suck at math and dates, so it may be a little wonky. Also I will not be including Infinity War or Endgame.

3rd POV
Bella started hanging out with Jacob Black after Renee called Charlie and called him a deadbeat father. Charlie threaten to send Bella to an asylum or back to Renee's because he couldn't deal with her shit anymore.

Bella threw a tantrum and started hanging out with Jacob reluctantly. Katya and Anya knew that they were only rebuilding dirt bikes, and having sex together. As of late Bella did have a death wish considering that she would hang out with drunkards and bikers for sex.

Katya and Anya had also started going over to the Rez more and more to keep track of Bella. They decreased their work shifts as well since Bella was now hardly ever home.

Charlie remained the same. He became an empty shell that wandered aimlessly. He kept a schedule of wake up, eat, go to work, come home, eat again, then go to sleep, and repeat. His deputies had taken most of the work load. Everyone in town saw the change and had suspicions about the true nature of Charlie's and the Cullens parents real relationship. They were all heartbroken for their beloved Sheriff.

If the Cullens ever came back they would not be greeted warmly.

But everything changed one night when Katya and Anya planned a night out with the gang, and Bella invited herself and Jacob. Probably to convince him that they were dating and that he wasn't some sex toy. Because he actually was.

But everyone else got sick, so Mike, Anya, Katya, Bella and Jacob were the only ones to attend. Right off the bat Jacob had decided that he didn't like Mike. There was tension between them until Mike ran out the theater to vomit in the mens' room.

Everyone else left as well to check on him. Bella and Jacob sat on the stairs to discuss something while Anya and Katya waited out the toilets for their friend. When Mike came out, he looked pale and sweaty. Jake had snapped and looked like he was about to attack him, but Bella and the twins got into the middle.

Bella commented on Jake's temperature, and he stormed off. Katya and Anya drove Mike home, and once he was inside Anya being a germaphobe she was poured an entire bottle of hand sanitizer on the seat, and sprayed half a can of Lysol on it, and wiped it all down with a disinfectant wipe.

When the twins got home Bella tried to blame Jake's behavior on them, but they ignored her and went to bed. The next day Jake started avoiding Bella.

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