Chapter 1: The Beginning of Time

Start from the beginning

1 week later:

1 day before the day Astella takes away Michaelis's phoenix;

"MOTHER!!!", Rose yelled for her mother while tears streamed down her face.

"What's wrong my child, why do you cry?", Astella asked her daughter while comforting her.

"There was a man in the market that took Poppy (her daughter)."

"Don't worry my child we will find them and bring her home safely", Astella said calmly.

Rose told her all about what happened in the market and thoroughly described the man that took her daughter.

That night the blacksmith came with her sword.  It was perfect. The hilt was a bright gold decorated with the red jewel on the base of the hilt. The sword itself was made from the orichalcum ore which was a bright scarlet red on the inside of the black stone like exterior. "How do you like it, your highness?", the blacksmith had asked. "This is perfect, thank you", Astella replied. " I will call you the Phoenix sword", Astella thought.

     Astella called her Guards, to go and find her granddaughter. As Astella got dressed in her armor she knew that when she found the man that took her granddaughter, she'd kill him even though she was never violent person and he was immortal, she would make him pay.

10 hours before Astella takes away Michaelis's phoenix:

Astella had arrived at the man's hide out and snuck up behind him while the guards were searching for the man. "I have found you, and now you will pay", Astella said while stabbing the man in the heart. She retracted her sword and once the sword was fully out, the man's phoenix got pulled out of his body along with the sword, forming a ball of fire. Then while looking into the ball of fire and the man struggled to begged from his life, a picture came to Astella's mind. She saw herself cut through the phoenix ball and so she did. She cut through the ball of fire, making it explode and instantly killing the man. Astella was baffled by what she had done, she had never killed a man since everyone on Earth was immortal. She though that the Phoenix sword would have just stripped the man of his Phoenix, but she was wrong. "Was it the placement of the wound that killed him or was it that we cannot live without our Phoenix's? I don't k-"

"HELP ME PLEASE!!!!" ...

Astella looked to her right and saw Poppy sitting in a steel cage with a blind fold on her eyes and her hands and legs bound together. "Thank god she didn't see what I have just done, but this will be perfect to kill Michaelis's with.", Astella thought. "I have found Poppy", she mind linked the guards. After asking her if she was okay and thoroughly making sure, she picked up the small girl and carried her to her horse to bring her home.

8 hours after Astella and Poppy made it home safely;

5 minutes before Astella takes away Michaelis's Phoenix:

     Astella snuck up behind Michaelis in their bed room as he was writing something on a piece of paper and tried to hug him just to see if he still loved her. As she suspected he pushed her off and said "Not now Astella, I'm busy". So, on impulse she asked him "Do still you love me, my love?" "Do want to know the truth?", he asked. "Yes, I would love to know why you have been so unloving and distant lately", she said sadly knowing what he would say. "No Astella, I do not love you as I did the day you gave me life. I have met someone else that has stolen my heart." With a broken heart and tears streaming down her face she summoned the Phoenix sword and stabbed him in the leg. She screamed "IF I HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS PAIN, YOU WILL TOO", Michaelis fell to the floor as blood pooled out of his leg. His Phoenix was extracted from his body the instant he fell. "I am sorry Astella, please have mercy!!", he begged. "You have shattered my heart and now you beg for mercy. Well, my heart no longer has any emotion other than rage and sadness. So, no I will not have mercy on you." She sliced through the ball of fire and watched it shatter, expecting her beloved to die with it... To her surprise, he was still alive but no longer in his Phoenix form. His hair went from a head of bright red flames to an obsidian black head of hair like the stone made from lava. His eyes were no longer scarlet but they were a deep brown as if they were the color of dried blood. His wings disappeared from his back. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME ASTELLA?", Michaelis cried. "This is how you work," Astella thought referring to the sword. "If you deal a fatal wound, you immediately kill your victim after cutting through the Phoenix. But if you deal a non-threatening wound the victim lives even after the Phoenix is killed.", she thought.

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