Delta jumped down before landing on the first beam with cat-like agility, pushing off into a nose dive before grasping a lower beam and swinging herself down. The callouses on her fingers broke open with the strain but she ignored it, focusing on getting down and not breaking her neck on the way. With one last jump she had landed in the dirt and tumbled forward in a roll, breaking the brunt of the fall and allowing her to recover quicker. Delta glanced behind her before noticing that Caitlyn was right behind her, falling onto the ground and stumbling forward clumsily. Delta snorted before rushing forward and grasping the woman's arms, stopping her from falling. Caitlyn sent her an appreciative look before the two rushed over to where Vi lay on the ground, moaning in pain.

Delta's arms wrapped around Vi's frame, pulling the girl close and ridding her of some of the weight on her wound. Caitlyn looked around with her eyes narrowed, squatting by the two as she made eye contact with someone through the darkness. "What is this place." "It's where the kind of people you topsiders don't want to think about wind up." Vi's voice came out soft and gravely as whimpers and painful moans filled the air around them. One cowered beneath their black hood and made their way to Caitlyn's feet, whimpering and holding out their hands in desperation- begging.  Caitlyn whipped out a flashlight before shining it towards them, the figure shielding their face before snarling and scuttling off back into the darkness. Her flashlight beam cut through the dark and startled the inhabitants, her eyebrows furrowing before she quickly shut it off. "It was never this big though." 

Delta looked towards the two with an angry glint in her eyes. "Shimmer addicts. People who were harmed by the effects of shimmer made their way down here and feed on the darkness."Caitlyn and Vi sent her questioning glances but she shrugged it off. "I work with them, to help them recover. I know their stories and their faces but never their names. Names are a powerful thing down in the Undercity." She stood up and hiked Vi further up her arm, practically carrying the girl as she ushered the two inside the abandoned silo. "Let's go."

Caitlyn helped Delta set Vi down on an old piece of furniture, the pink-haired girl groaning before staring off into space. Her hands were beginning to grow cold but her face was drenched with sweat, a faraway look coating her eyes. Caitlyn pulled out a handkerchief before leaning down to wipe Vi's forehead, the girl blocking her weakly with her hand. "I know you have your reservations about me, but this only works if we can trust each other." Caitlyns voice was soft but demanding, Vi grimacing before speaking up. "It doesn't work. It never has. You topsiders always find a way to screw us." "I suppose topside is to blame for all your misfortunes." Vi looked past her before looking down in misery. "No. Not all of them."

Delta leaned against the wall picking at her nails. "Where we come from, princess, it's different. We don't get to view each other in the same light as you view us, we simply survive. Theres no room for anything else." "We're not monsters, y'know. We're people, just like you." Vi glared before scoffing, running a hand through her hair. "You don't know anything about me." She paused, staring off into space. "I shouldn't have left you." Caitlyn sent Delta a look of confusion, the brunette pushing off the wall before grasping the handkerchief from Caitlyn's hands. "She's hallucinating. We need to fix her, and fast." Her hands worked at wiping the sweat from Vi's forehead as Caitlyn looked on from afar. "She's fainted. Her wound probably has an infection which is not good news. Do you know first aid?" Caitlyn shook her head no. Delta stood up before punching the wall in frustration making Caitlyn jump. "God dammit."

Caitlyn made her way out the door but Delta took a few seconds to stare. It had been years since she'd seen Vi and now she was on the brink of death right in front of her. Life didn't give her a break. She hesitated before leaning down and leaving a brief kiss on Vi's hairline, her eyes narrowing before she made her way out the door. What she saw made her blood boil. "Get your gun out of his face, now!" Caitlyn startled and the man ran to stand behind Delta, the brunette buffing out her chest as she stood in a protective stance. "What the fucking hell is wrong with you?" The blue haired girl stuttered. "He surprised me, we don't know if we can trust him." Delta arched her brow as she growled lowly. "In case you've forgotten, princess. This isn't topside and you don't get to kill anyone you see." She motioned towards the still-loaded gun that Caitlyn held tightly to. "Now put that barrel down or so help me." 

𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐓𝐀, 𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘦Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz