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3 Rd POV
Present time.

Inside Haikuan's Cabin two soul were staring each other like if they get chance they will tear each other .

While Zhan was little scared but he tried to hide it and again Yibo get it .Yibo smirked to Zhan and enjoy the view before his eyes where a scared bunny is trying to act bold infront of hungry Lion.

" What do you mean Yibo , you said you know him but he is saying he don't? " Haikuan asked Yibo confusely.

" What are you asking from me ge ( elder brother) ,ask him, Doesn't he know me? " Yibo said his brother eye not living the already scared bunny.

" Dr. you tell me , do you two really know each other." Haikuan asked to Xiao Zhan

Zhan turned his gaze to Haikuan but from corner of his eyes he can see the evil smirk on Yibo's face . " S..sir we just meet today accidentally in hospital hall." Zhan answered while Stuttering.

" Well it's such a thing." Haikuan said but he was not satisfied with Zhan's answer . the look his younger brother was giving to Zhan clearly show that there is something else that he should know." Okay so it is good that you both know each other already." Haikuan said with smiling face.

After seeing his brother Yibo was sure that there is something going to happen ." He eyed his brother but the latter one was busy in his own world. Zhan was now standing between those two Wangs. His eyes were glued on Yibo .

" Aah... first let me introduce you to each other, Dr. he is my brother Wang Yibo , CEO OF WANG CORPORATION. " Zhan nodded slowly trying his best to ignore the dangerous gaze of lion.

" And Yibo he is Dr...." Before haikuan complete his words Yibo cutoff him .

" Brother i already told you yesterday that ,today i have some important meeting so please dont waste my time in such stuffs . I need to be there by 3' O Clock it is already 2:30 now , i need to leave." Yibo said to his brother in cold voice which was enough for Zhan to tremble.

Yibo who was enjoying the view of scared and confused Zhan bowed his brother and take a step to leave the cabin

" Wait Yibo, it is very important and i want you here" haikuan ordered his younger brother in more colder voice. Yibo now get it ,it will be not good for him if he dared to ignore his brother order.

Although Yibo is so called great mafia but Haikuan is his elder brother and And apart from being a doctor, he is also a king of another mafia group which is more stronger and dangerous than Yibo's one.

Yibo came back to his place and stand beside Zhan , he was very angry on Zhan . Because of Zhan he will get late to meet the person who will tell him everything about Mr. Xiao son., He was fuming in anger after remembering about his father's killer. He literally want to kill Zhan.
Zhan who was already scared was on verge of crying after seeing the i will kill you look of Yibo.

Haikuan sensed the situation. He know if his brother loose his control on his anger then it is beyond impossible for anyone to control him * cough* he faked cough to attract his brother attention.

" Yibo as already you know that your life is in danger and president has ordered WANG HOSPITAL to choose five best doctors for all five buisness men. And i had already choosen four and only you are left... " Before haikuan explain more Yibo cutoff him again.

" Brother you already know me, i don't need the stupid protection of these useless doctors. Who am I? I am Wang Yibo , i am handling the great WANG CORPORATION and the most dangerous and strong mafi.... " He glanced Zhan who was looking the Wang brother confusely and then his ge who eyeing him for silence. Ofcourse it is a secret that Wang brother's Handel the great mafia group.But there work was clean . How...? ( You will know later😁)

" Brother i need to go somewhere , can I go?" Yibo pleaded to his brother .

Haikuan was looking at his brother who was just going to reveal their secret infront of Zhan, he now know that there is something that his brother really need to handel now so he don't want to stop him"" ok Yibo , you can go now. I will give you a chance till evening to think. You should think wisely and accept my offer.

Yibo bowed to his brother and glared Zhan and finally left the cabin.

" Dr. Xiao Zhan , i am really sorry for my brother's behaviour" haikuan apologies Zhan

" Ooh it's ok Sir he is such a great buisness man, He must have got a lot of work to do, even now some important work has come. Hehe, i will take my leave. " Zhan bowed to Haikuan and left the cabin.

Outside the Cabin.

"" What the hell he think of himself? Huh? A god? Taschh!! These rich people are too much and how dare he to tell the doctors useless. When they get sick it is we .. we are the one who help them and he is saying we doctors are useless. I didn't say anything because he is Dr. Wang's brother otherwise Otherwise I would have broken his mouth." Zhan was blubbering in anger . He was in lift and pouring all his anger on the the innocent paper in his hand. He was literally clutching the paper. If paper can speak by now he would have been begging for his life.

" Ooh really ? " Someone said to Zhan from his behind. That person's breath were hitting Zhan's exposed nape. Zhan turned back to see the owner of such cold voice and yes it was no other but so called icy prince Wang Yibo.

"Y..You? " Zhan was literally shaking in fear. He stepped back in safety if Yibo tries to hit him after listening all the shit Zhan just explode from his mouth.

" Yes me" yibo moved toward Zhan and Zhan was continuously stepping back till his back hit the entrance of the closed lift . Yibo fasten his step and came close to Zhan and by close i mean very close. He put his both hands towards each side of Zhan, cagging him to not move.he can notice the formation of sweat on Zhan's head, Zhan was smaller than yibo( lol in real it is the opposite 😸). If he takes even a single step forward, he will hit Zhan's head with his broad and strong chest. he stop there and lean down to see the clear view of the most beautiful person ever he saw.

Like last time again his eyes were stuck on the beautiful face of Zhan

Zhan was giving a confused look to Yibo. He was truly expecting a hard slap from later one but instead of this Yibo was busy in admiring his face.

Yibo's face was so close to Zhan's face , there was completed silence in lift . They can hear as well as can feel the hot breathing of each other.

How can a boy be this beautiful? ' Thought yibo.
Is ho gone mad or he is finding the good spot on my face to punch me' thought zhan

" Beautiful" finally yibo mumble the word which was hanging in his throat for comming out

Huh? Beautiful? Did he just call me beautiful? Thought Zhan, After hearing Yibo, Zhan gets angry. Well our bunny prefer to be handsome rather than beautiful ( silly bunny you are really beautiful 🤭🤭yibo is right)

After seeing the youngers expression Yibo came out from his thought. He smirked at the cute bunny.

"Okay! You said you like to hit me. then come on I am here hit me..hmm.hit me. " Yibo teased Zhan and moved his face close to Zhan. Zhan's eyes went wide when Yibo lift up one hand to punch him...

Hello yizhan lovers.

Sorry 😔 my few hours turn into a few days.

How is the chapter? Please let me know my mistake and forgive me(🥺🥺)

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Thankyou so much for reading

Will update soon.

Do you want some romance between Haikuan and zhanjin ,if yes then comment below because i am thinking to add some .😁

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