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morning 10 am

zhan was still sleeping peacefully, holding yibo like a koala bear, yibo woke up a few seconds ago. he looked beside him and found his wifey sleepy cutely

he leaned toward zhan and kisses the younger on his head.

" thankyou baby, you gave me the greatest night yesterday" he mumbled and lastly kissed his lips gently, not wanting to wake up the younger.

he keeps zhan on the bed and makes the boy hold the pillow, zhan first makes a face when yibo separates him from himself but smiled in deep slumber when felt the soft pillow in his arms.

he went inside the bathroom and did his morning routine after getting a long bath, he came inside the room to find zhan still sleeping. he dress up himself and went out

he went to the watchman

" hey"

the watchman bowed as he saw yibo approaching him.

" Sir, do you need anything?" he politely asked.

except for watchman there were no helpers or servants, only one cleaner came in the morning to clean the villa and leave but today he didn't as yibo had locked the villa from inside and the couple woke up late

"hmm, buy these medicine from medical store" he said and left

the watchman bowed and left to buy the medicine

" he will kill me if he woke up with a sore body" yibo thought and went inside the kitchen


"ummah" zhan woke up and open his eyes slowly,

he looks at the ceiling of the room and then beside him, only to find an empty bed

" where is he?" zhan said and tried to get up

" back" he whimpers in pain but somehow he makes himself sit properly on the bed

he was now in flashback, remembering everything that happened last night, how he confessed to the elder and how they made love

with just the thought zhan blushed hard and a sweet smile appeared on his face but it vanished as he felt a stinging pain in his back

" "ooh god why did I let him touch me? my whole body hurts now...hmm..he said ' i will be gentle' is this called being gentle? if yes then I am sure I will die if he tries to be rough" zhan said to himself while caressing his back continuously, cussing the elder in his mind

" beast, he is a real beast..ooh my poor back" zhan whined like a little baby who lose his fav toy but here this little baby didn't lose any toy, he lose his virginity.

he was continuously cussing the elder without noticing a person on the door who was watching the cute behaviour of his wifey with lovely smile. that smile which can be only seen by zhan. or i should say only zhan has right o see that smile.

"are you done cussing me?" yibo asked while entering the room with try of breakfast

zhan look at him but didn't reply, he pout more when he saw how the elder was smiling and here he was on verge of crying due to this pain caused by the elder

" baby, don't pout like this or else.."

" or else what?" zhan asked

yibo put the try on the table and came to bed, he lean towards zhan's ear and whisper

My Mafia Husband// Yizhan ( M Preg)Where stories live. Discover now