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Spock had finally regained consciousness. He sat up in the diagnostic bed, raising an eyebrow inquisitively at his captain. The long journey through his mind from dahl-tor pohkau had restored him to the here and now, but what of the information he had stored. Was it intact?

"Well, look who's finally awake." Doctor Boyce was the first to speak.

"We feared we lost you there for a while, ensign." Captain Pike piped in next.

Spock was still a bit confused as he surveyed the sickbay. Before he could regain his composure, the hailing frequency whistle sounded on the intercom.

"Bridge to Captain Pike." It was Number One.

Pike walked to the intercom panel and hit the button. "Go ahead, Number One."

"Sir, you asked me to monitor the graviton particles. They've disappeared, sir. All of them. From every location."

"Interesting. At the exact time, Ensign Spock came out of his coma," Pike stated aloud, although it was more observational than vocal.

Number One didn't understand. "Sir?"

"I'll brief you later. I have a million and one questions that need answered from our ensign here first. Pike out." He hit the button, severing the channel.

Spock slid to the side of the diagnostic bed, focusing on his hands. His sight cleared, as did his perception of where he was currently seated. He looked up at the captain. "Sir, Ensign Spock reporting for duty from the survey of Planet M-114."

Doctor Boyce beat the captain to the ensign's bedside. "Now just sit still, Ensign Spock. You were out for quite a while. Besides atrophy, I have no way to assess any internal injuries because of the cockamamie readings I'm getting on this diagnostic readout concerning your vitals."

Pike returned to face his science officer. With his arms crossed, he did not mask the perplexity of the situation with his expression. "What's the last thing you remember? You were missing for a couple of hours. Not even a trace on our scanners."

He was still hazy because he knew the time didn't quite synch up. "You said a couple of hours, sir? Fascinating."

"You know something to the contrary? I mean, physically, you look like you've got a week's worth, maybe two, of beard growth there."

Spock rose, walking over to a mirror on the wall. The captain was correct.

"I apologize for my appearance, captain. It was not my intention —"

Pike interrupted, "Don't worry about it, Spock. What happened down there?"

This time, Doctor Boyce intervened. "Me first, captain. Ensign, can you explain this?"

Boyce picked up the tricorder, scanning Spock. He handed him the device, which displayed Governor Vessey's image and medical readout. Spock retrieved the device from the doctor, adjusted a few switches, then re-assumed his position on the diagnostic bed, still holding the tricorder. The medical monitor immediately reacted to Spock's bio-signs.

"I have adjusted the tricorder to emit a low-band localized dampening field. Doctor, you may resume your examination," Spock instructed him.

Boyce began re-scanning him. "Well, ensign, you have a few serious muscle tears, incorrectly treated, and who set your shoulder separation? That's gonna smart when I fix that," he warned with an air of sarcasm. "It still doesn't answer my question why you scanned as Cyril Vessey and matched his medical readouts before you fiddled with the tricorder."

Spock again sat up, facing the captain directly. "No disrespect, doctor. However, I can only address that with the captain, and it is a matter of utmost priority."

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