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Pike's communicator beeped. "Pike here."

Number One spoke with concern. "We have a problem, sir."

"What is it, Number One?"

"Request you return to the Enterprise immediately to discuss, captain."

"A problem, captain?" Vessey interjected.

"I'll know in a minute. Tend to the cargo drop, Governor. I'll be in communications should we need your help."

Vessey waved, turning to resume his course towards the storage facility.

Pike stepped back from the governor. "Enterprise, one to beam up."


Aboard the Enterprise, the captain's form shimmered, taking shape on the transporter pad. Number One stood next to the transporter console to greet him.

"What's going on, Number One?" asked Pike.
"We've lost Ensign Spock," she answered grimly.

It wasn't typical of her to request him to return from a landing party. The situation had to be serious. She was the best officer that he had served with. Her ability to handle emergencies was part of the confidence he admired about her character. It also permitted him to accomplish what he needed to planet side on any mission without worrying about what was going on aboard the ship.

"You mean you've lost communication with Ensign Spock? We can get a search party at his last know coordinates."

"They are standing by, sir, but I didn't want to dispatch them without briefing you first. They, too, could be in danger."

Pike stepped from the transporter pad. "What kind of experiment were you two doing down there, Number One?"

"I can explain on the way to the science lab, where I can show you specifically what we found."

"The sooner the better. This is supposed to be a routine drop. Now one of the most sought-after boots in the fleet is missing under my watch."

He addressed Chief Dailey before leaving the transporter room. "Dailey, Doctor Boyce, Rios and Capps, and her team are still down there. Beam them back aboard. Let them know this is by my order. I can't risk any other crew members until we figure out what's happened to Spock."

"Yes, sir. What about the security detail?" asked Dailey.

"Leave them with Governor Vessey to oversee the cargo drop. Inform Chief Pitcairn to expedite the cargo transport immediately. Let's get that part of this mission over with."

The door to the transporter room swished open as the captain followed Number One to the science lab. She briefed him on the meteorological energy anomaly that Spock had found during his scans of the planet while in his absence.


There was the smell of smoke with crackling of wood and cinders. He opened his eyes to see a small campfire. The pain in his head kept perfect syncopation with his heartbeat. It was something he pushed aside temporarily, as establishing his cognizance was of primary importance. It was something every Vulcan learned to do at an early age.

He sat up abruptly. That was a mistake as pain shot through his calf, left side and his shoulder, which was certainly dislocated. Although no doctor, he ran through a rapid analysis of the pain centers. Strain of the external oblique, potential tear of the tibialis anterior, vastus lateralis or medialis and, for most certain, dislocated right humeral head. A potential concussion had also occurred to him, but he dismissed it as he ran through the initial protocol checklist inside of his mind. His vision cleared slowly.

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