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Pike leaned forward in his command chair as Planet M-114 grew larger on the viewscreen before him. It resembled Earth somewhat, but larger areas of green covered the surface. White and blue still swirled the surface as viewed from space, but the green made it look warmer somehow. Slowly, the Enterprise drifted into orbit.

"Standard orbit, helm. Adena, let Governor Vessey know we are on approach. Ensign Spock, run an environmental sweep of the planet to ensure everything is where it's supposed to be. Number One, you're with me. Mr. Rios, you have the con."

Pike sprung to his feet. It had been two long weeks since his feet walked on solid ground. He was excited to get planet side to stretch his legs. Number One followed close behind as the two entered the turbolift on their way to the briefing room. As the doors closed, she spoke.

"I'm jealous, you know. You get to have all the fun."

"What? You think I'm actually going to enjoy the sunshine, fresh air, water and fruit?" he said.

"Just promise you'll bring me back a fresh apple. They are farmers. I'm expecting an orchard or two."

"I'll think about it." He crossed his arms.

"You better do more than that." She playfully threatened. "Captain."

He grinned, commanding the turbolift to head to their destination. "Deck seven."

They stepped from the turbolift, proceeding down the corridor to the briefing room. The door swished opened. Pike took his position at the head of the table. The section chiefs from the landing parties were present, along with Doctor Boyce. Gunny Cole would lead the security team with Ensign Capps in charge of the science team. An additional person accompanied Gunny Cole.

"Captain, I brought Corporal Samira along to the briefing, if there are no objections. She's our new boot and I want her to get as much experience as possible, as quickly as possible," Cole spoke first.

Pike sat back, surveying the young corporal. "You're the pilot, correct?"

Samira jumped to her feet, assuming the position of attention. "Yes, sir."

He appreciated at her zealousness. "At ease, corporal."

Pausing, he followed up on the initial request. "Happy to have you aboard, Sam. That is what they call you?"

"Yes, sir." She took her seat.

"Very good. I'm an old pilot myself. We'll have to trade some war stories sometime."

"It would be an honor, sir."

Pike turned and faced the other members of the team.

"This should be a fairly standard welfare check and cargo drop. While we're here, let's poke around a little. Gunny, your team will beam down first and secure a perimeter. I will approach the colony from the South. You and your teams will split and move from a 100-meter radius from the center of the coordinates provided, corresponding North, East and West."

"Yes, sir, skipper," Cole said.

"Ensign Capps, you and your team will beam down to the coordinates provided by the colony once we ensure everything is safe. Scan the local area, soil, flora and fauna samples. You know the drill. This isn't your first rodeo."

"Understood, captain."

"Doctor Boyce, you get the pleasure of accompanying me."

Boyce rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Lucky me!"

"Routing welfare check. There are two hundred and thirty colonists at last recording. Run health and wellness scans on a ten percent sampling. That should give us something to report to Starfleet. Unless, of course, something pops up out of the ordinary."

Maiden VoyageOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara