Confessions and Discoveries

Start from the beginning

"Sorry Mom, we all just got up." 

"Well now that you all are up, let's move into the kitchen. I have to talk to you all about something."

My heart stops. Please tell me she doesn't know about what happened last night. I can tell all of us are thinking the same thing as we all hesitate to follow her. 


We make our way to the kitchen and sit down around the table. I lay my head in my right hand so I can cover the bruise that's forming. Ken and Timmy sit next to me while Bertram sits across from me. Yeah-Yeah and Squints sit next to each other on the other side of the table while Ham sits beside Kenny and Smalls sits beside Timmy. 

We keep our heads down as we wait for her to scold us. I'm going over all the possible ways this conversation could go, but my mind keeps going to the thought of me being grounded until college. No, I did not really do anything worth getting in trouble for. Yes, I will be grounded either way. 

I keep my eyes out for Tommy. Hopefully it will distract me enough that I won't be too concentrated when I get scolded. 

"So how was the dance?"

All of our heads shoot up. Practically in sync. My leg starts to shake and my heart starts beating faster. I try to zone out and focus on the bacon on the stove. Or maybe the tiled floor, Anything other than Mrs. Timmons. 



I ask innocently. 

"How was the dance?"

"Oh! It was good! They played some very fun songs. Uh, I personally don't think I'll ever be a school dance type of girl. But, I enjoyed it." 

"That's great! I'm very happy to hear that. Now! What about you boys?" 

Murmurs of "goods" and "ok's" filled the air. 

"Hey now! Don't tell me too much." 

She said sarcastically. We all let out little a chuckle. Her gaze now lingered on all of us. 

"If I may ask, if the dance was so great, why is my nine year old son and guest covered in bruises?" 

"Mom, 'covered in bruises' is a little excessive. No?" 




I whispered to Kenny. We both had to keep our laughs in. We were already in trouble, we didn't need to add to the list.

"Now, you boys should know by now that I don't enjoy being lied too. Hm?" 

"Yes ma'am." 

They all answered. 

"Will someone please tell me what happened? Or will I need to start making phone calls to your parents?" 

Fear consumed the air around the table. 

"No, ma'am. There will be no need for that. I will explain what happened." 

I said shyly. Don't get me wrong, Mrs. Timmons is a very lovely lady. She always treats us like we are her own. But, she is scary when angry. 


After I told her the whole story, saying she looked upset would be the under statement of the year. She was fuming! She immediately called for Tommy, and looked around the table at our faces.  As Tommy approached the table, she walked up to me and gently grabbed my face. 

The Sandlot Boys (FEM x-reader)Where stories live. Discover now