The New Norm (edited)

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Y/N's POV (sorry I keep making it y/n POV) 

It has been about a month since the first day of school. I haven't gotten into anymore fights and I stayed away from Phillips. It's not that I was scared of him, I mean who would be. He was all talk, I just promised my parents that I would stay away from fights. 

I had finally gotten used to the schedule. I would get up, get ready, walk with the boys, drop Tommy off, go to school , play ball, go home. That was what I did every single day. The boys would take turns talking to Mr. Myrtle each week. I have yet to go with one of them, but I know it's something that is very important to them and they don't take just anyone, so I don't ask about, or really think about it too much. When the time comes they'll take me, and I will be more than happy to go. 

In the past month I got really close to Bertram, Tommy, and Kenny. Which is ironic since Kenny and Bertram were 2 of the 3 boys who did not like me at all in the beginning. I even have nicknames for them. Bertie for Bertram. He hated it, but I wouldn't stop. I didn't have a nickname for Tommy, but I would sometimes say Tomaso. Just for fun. For Kenny I called him Ken. He didn't mind it at first until I told him it was a name of a Barbie doll. Now he just cringes and begs me to stop. I don't. 

I would have to say they are the ones that I'm closest to. I mean I love all of them and they're my bestfriends, but the three of them are my best bestfriends. Tommy has been treating me how he treats Timmy, and it's adorable. He always holds my hand and even repeats what I say sometimes. I thought it was adorable at first until I realized that I have a bit of a mouth. 


It was the second week of 8th grade and we had just picked Tommy up from school. We were walking to the sandlot and I was ranting about some homework assignment. 

"I swear it was the stupidest shi- I mean stuff in the world!"

I was about to curse but there were children present I couldn't do that. 

"It was the stupidest stuff in the world!" 

Tommy had repeated me. We all stopped dead in our tracks eyes wide and turned to look in his direction. Tommy reacted the same way and turned and looked in the direction we were looking to oblivious to realize we were looking at him. 

" Did you just repeat Y/N?" 

Timmy asked. Tommy nodded and looked at me. I just smiled and was honestly gushing like a little girl. It was adorable I mean, he only ever repeated Timmy. I looked at Timmy and he looked relieved. Like it was a burden to have to take care of Tommy sometimes. Now he wasn't the only one going through it. I was just smiling and started walking again with Tommy still clutching my hand. 

I soon stopped again, with a look of fear and worry plastered on my face. I turned towards Timmy and he just looked confused. 

"Does he repeat, everything?"

"Everything. Or anything he wants to repeat."

He said calmly, until I gave him a look that said 'I don't talk appropriately'  His eyes widened as he finally caught on. Soon the boys did to. We all turned towards Tommy, who looked confused. I asked Tommy to stand by a tree that was near us so I could talk to the others for a second. He nodded but looked a little disappointed that he couldn't be apart of the conversation. 

"What the hell do I do? I don't exactly censor myself all the time!"

They nodded until Kenny asked me something. 

"Not that I mind or anything, but you used to not talk like how you do now, rant, or stick up for yourself. What changed?"

The rest just nodded and I sighed. Quite annoyed. 

"I did, just not in front of you."

I smirked a bit and they just nodded. But still looked confused. 

"One day I just said, 'what the hell? what do I got to lose?' and just stopped biting my tongue, and let loose. But how is this helping the current situation?" 

They just shrugged and I groaned, realizing they were going to be of no help. I called Tommy over and kneeled down so I was at his eye level. 

"Tommy, I need you to repeat after me."

He nodded and I held up my right hand he followed suit. 

" I promise to not repeat any bad words that come out of  my mouth, unless given permission by me."

He repeated. 

"I promise not to repeat any bad words that come out of your mouth unless given permission to by you."

I smiled and gave him a hug. I stood up and took his hand and looked at the boys glaring at me. 


"Unless given permission?"

Benny spoke up and I grinned.

"Well what if we have another run in with Phillips, I'm going to give him permission to speak however he wants then."

They just sighed  and nodded, and we all continued walking.


Ever since then Tommy has kept to his promise. We became closer because of him treating me like a sister. I would go over to his house a lot, because he wanted me to. So I was around Timmy a lot. I sometimes called him Tiny Tim, as a joke and he would just shake his head with a chuckle. 

Bertram and I got really close due to our schedules. Since we had our last 2 periods together, we would walk from lunch together and be talking all the way to when the last bell rang. He was really nice, we confided in each other because we promised whatever we said stayed between us. He hadn't shared a lot and I never pushed him, but he told me about how life wasn't so great at home. I helped him whenever he needed to get away from home, and we became close because of that. 

Kenny and I only had 1st period together, but we always made the most of it. Ham was there to but he had other friends in that class so he would usually hangout with them.  I would talk to Ken a lot at the sandlot and at lunch and after that we just bonded. Of course he acted tough at first they all did. 

Like I said I've gotten pretty close with all of them, except Benny. I mean we were close and we considered each other bestfriends and we would talk, but if we were alone and talking he would start stuttering and end up walking away. I found it funny but also confusing. I just don't think he's ever had an actual conversation with a girl besides me before. Which honestly surprised me because there are girls pinning after him left and right, but then again he only ever focuses on baseball so he's probably too clueless to realize. 

I had become really close with Lisa as well. She would even sit with us at lunch. The boys would've minded if it weren't for the huge crush that Bertram has on Lisa. It's as if hearts are shooting out of their heads when they're by each other.  It was entertaining watching them, and I think it over powered their pride. 

Other than Lisa, I haven't made any friends. I didn't need them I had the boys. That's really all the last month has had to offer, but I'm sure with Halloween right around the corner and the kids in this town's attitudes, October will be much more eventful..... 

A/N: OMG! thank you all so much for 600 reads! It really brightens my day. This chapter was a little boring but the next few will be better. I honestly didn't like it that much, but oh well. I just wanted to show any of the friendships and relationships being made. I like bringing out some of the more ignored characters. Also do we want romance between Y/N and one of the boys. I've kind of hinted a bit of Benny and Y/n relationship, but I can make it any character. I'm always open to suggestions :)) Thank you again for the nice comments and the 600 reads!! I love y'all so much!! :)) 

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