Pick a Side! (edited)

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No one's POV:

All the boys were silent on the walk back to the sandlot. They were all thinking about how Y/N had gone off on them. They knew they deserved it, and that made them feel worse. The boys knew they treated her like crap for no reason, she was just always there and she was so easy to make fun off.

 Deep down inside they all thought she was really pretty and super nice, it was something they all knew everyone else thought as well, they just never said it out loud. It was an unspoken agreement. The thing about this whole situation is they didn't know how to feel. They knew they were mean to her, but they just found out she is best friends with Phillips. Each boy looked either shocked or mad. Except for Benny though, he looked sad, and everyone took notice. 

"Come on Benny man, why so sad about this? I mean if anything shouldn't we be mad, she yelled at us for nothing."

Kenny said, walking backwards so he could face Benny while talking. Some of the boys nodded in agreement and the others looked like what he said made no sense. But Benny just looked like he was in utter disbelief that those words came out of his mouth. 

"Are you kidding me Kenny?"


"We completely deserved to get yelled at by her. We've all been so mean to her." 

"Yeah, but she's friends with Phillips so we automatically dislike her even more than before just because of th-

"Oh come ON!"

Smalls cut in. Everyone looked at him in shock. Smalls usually wasn't one to speak up. 

"Excuse me? I'm pretty sure that interrupting is rude, SMALLS!"

Kenny sneered looking mad. 

"You're one to talk about being rude! I know we've all messed with her, and I don't know if I'm the only one who feels bad about that or not but you're completely judging Y/N off the fact that she's friends with Phillips! She's never been mean to us, heck she's never even fought back. How can we judge her off her friend choices. I mean if someone took one look at any of you guys and judged me off of that, they would think I'm a horrible person!" 

Smalls yelled. All the boys turned towards Kenny to see his reaction. Kenny looked like smoke would start coming out of his ears. 

"EXCUSE ME?!? Are you saying that we are bad friends?"

"No of course not, but how do we know if Phillips is a bad friend or not? He could be a great friend and just a complete jerk to us." 

"Uh- well- I DON'T KNOW!"

Kenny stuttered. Bickering like this went on for about 5 minutes until Benny cut back in. 

"Ok! We get it. Smalls thinks that she was right to yell and Kenny begs to differ. But you guys arguing doesn't help us at all." 

Benny said putting his hands between the two boys to keep them apart.

"Doesn't help us with what Benny? I mean what do you want us to do? I think we should just leave her alone from now on." 

Squints said throwing his hands up in the air. Some 'yeah' s could be heard while some 'what's were mixed in.  

"So what? You just want to continue on and not do anything? Just forget about all of this? I think we should apologize for being mean and judging her." 

Benny said putting his hands on his hips. The boys who agreed with Squints continued stood there shaking their heads at the idea while the others agreed.

"You know what! The guys who agree with me, we're going to the sandlot, and the boys who want to act like girls and be all sorry and emotional you can go apologize!" 

Squints yelled. Benny's mouth dropped. 

"Fine! Anyone who wants to apologize come with me!" 

Benny said turning on his heel back in the direction of Y/N's house. Smalls, Yeah-Yeah, Timmy and Tommy all followed Benny. Ham, Kenny, and Bertram all followed Squints to the Sandlot. 

Phillips' POV: 

Y/N was about to answer my question, when her attention turned to the sounds coming from the other side of the gate. She tip toed towards her bat, with her pointer finger pressed against her lips, telling me to be quiet. I quickly shut up and started walking in her footsteps towards the gate. She opened it quickly and started yelling. I understood she was trying to scare the people that were by her gate, but she scared me a bit. I found the grass really interesting, mostly so she couldn't see my face. She scared me pretty bad. I was still looking down when I hear her laugh. I look up to see that she was laughing at the people that she was yelling at, I looked over her shoulder to see it was the sandlot boys. Some of them were hugging each other in fear while others were stepping back like they were about to bolt. I try to  stifle a laugh, but failed miserably and started cracking up. Then she starts talking. To be honest I wasn't listening, because whenever the sandlot boys are around me my mind fills with pure anger. But I started listening when I heard her say...

"What do you want sandlot boys? If you came here to make fun of me some more, than just go home. I'm too tired."

I was shocked. She never told me about the sandlot boys making fun of her. My mind went straight back to pure anger, no RAGE! These boys were going to get it. They kept bickering and questioning different things, when again my thoughts were interrupted by her yelling at the boys. I wasn't exactly following what she was saying, but I was proud she was sticking up for herself. Once she finished she pulled me back and slammed the gate door. She huffed and went to pick up the baseball when I grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug. I don't show affection to anyone except for Y/N.  She's been my bestfriend for years and she's always been there for me, even though I can be a jerk to others. She was confused by the hug at first but soon melted into it and hugged back. She pulled away and I could see some tears falling down her face. I wiped them off with my sleeve and pulled her back into a hug. She continued crying into my shirt. I was surprised, she usually isn't like this but I could tell this was from a lot of pent up anger. She pulled away again, and I decided to ask her about it. 

"Y/N is it true those boys make fun of you?" 

She was silent at first but nodded her head.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would've helped you. I would've walked with you, so they wouldn't mess with you." 

She smiles. I didn't exactly know why, but I smiled to.

"I'm sorry 'Ducky' I was just scared."

'Ducky' is a nickname she gave me as a kid because I was obsessed with ducks, and she loves to call me it. Only she is allowed to call me that though. She doesn't call me it that often, only when she is upset so I knew this was serious. 

"Why would you be scared? Do I scare you?"

"What?! No of course not. I was scared you would hurt them."


She had a point there. I was honestly considering it, but I could tell she didn't want that. 

"Ok, how about from now on and even when school starts we'll walk together? This way they won't bother you."

She smiled.

"That would be perfect thank you!"

She hugged me and right at that moment I realized what time it was. 

"Shoot! Y/N my mom wanted me to back home at 8:00 it's 8:30." 

I say pointing to my watch. She looked disappointed but nodded her head and helped me get my baseball gear and waved goodbye. Right when I left I started thinking of all the things I would do to those sandlot boys if we ever crossed paths again. 

A/N: I hope this chapter wasn't too all over the place and I know that this chapter kind of sucked but it will get better and the boys will make up and everything. But I do hope you liked a little bit of the soft Phillips for you :) 

thank you again for reading my story !!!

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