Lunch (edited)

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Just like I thought everyone knew. By the time I walked into 3rd period everyone heard about it, some knew the truth and some knew what others told them. Every time I walked in the halls to get to my next class, people were looking at me, whispering about me, high fiving me, and congratulating me.  

I finished my first 5 periods and walked into the lunchroom. The minute I walked in all eyes turned towards me and it became really quiet. I acted like I didn't notice and continued down towards the lunch line. I continued to wait in line rocking back and forth on my heels awkwardly. I was waiting for everyone to go back to their conversations and  stop staring. Most people were eyeing me and whispering to each other. I finally got to pay for my lunch, so I started turning around to find a seat. But, I took a second to stare at the lunch tray in front of me. All I could do was make a face of disgust and gag.  It look like vomit and dried pee on a tray. I looked up with a slight face of disgust and turned around to say thank you to the lunch ladies. Once I turned back around I shook my head and took a look around at the different tables. 

One table was filled with all the jocks so that was an obvious no. Another table was filled with cheerleaders. The others were filled up or they moved their bag at the sight of me. I guess the story got even more distorted then I thought. The only  table left was the one where the sandlot boys sat. 

They looked up at me and smiled with sad eyes and since it was the only spot open, I was forced to sit next to the boys. I sighed at my misfortune, and sat down about three feet away from them turning to look the other way. The boys gave each other a  little look and turned towards me again.  I ignored them and pulled out my book, as it didn't seem like I was going to be eating. I continued to read when I saw out of the corner of my eye Smalls open his mouth to say something, but I cut him off before he could say anything. 

"Just because I am sitting here it does not mean anything." 

I just sent them a glare, and turned back to my book. They started to cheer and high five each other. 

"She talked to us!"

The all cheered again, which got some attention but it quickly went unnoticed. I covered my face with my book so that they couldn't see my small smile. The boys continued to make jokes with each other that were slightly, ok completely directed towards me but they weren't going to say it. It was hard enough not to burst right out laughing when they were being so..... them, but then I saw them move so they were looking at me, out of the corner of my eye. I was trying to not take my eyes off my book, but I finally gave in and saw them looking straight at me batting their eyes and leaning their heads on their hand waiting for a reaction. I started giggling because they looked like pretty little princesses.  They looked at each other satisfied. 

I put down my book and scooted towards them, so it was like I was actually sitting with them. They shifted to make more space. 

"I'm giving you 2 minutes." 

I say with a slight sigh. They started talking over each other and you couldn't understand a single thing any of them said. 

"Ok, ok, ok slow down, I'm giving you 2 minutes not 3 seconds. One at a time." 

They just nodded and pushed ham up so he was sitting beside me. I sat a bit straighter. 

"We are so, so, so sorry about what happened. We feel really bad and umm, guys I am not very good at this, can someone take over for me? 

Benny just nodded and took Ham's place. I looked at him with a cocked eyebrow. 

"We miss you." 

"Awwwww. You miss me."

I said in a lovey dovey voice. They just sighed and turned away as if to say 'wow, we were nice now we're being made fun of.' 

"No, no, no I didn't mean it like that. If it means anything I miss you guys too and I want to get to know you guys better." 

I said and they could sense the genuine in my voice. 

"So we're forgiven?"

Timmy asked. It was weird not having Tommy repeat his words, but since we were in different buildings, he couldn't eat lunch with us. 

"Yes, but I hope you learned you lesson." 

"We did."

They all say at the same time. I nod and smile. 

"So about this morning...?"

Kenny asked. I just shook my head in embarrassment. As cool it was I was embarrassed by the whole situation. 

"Why are you shaking you head? That was wicked. But why did you do it anyways? I mean you aren't confrontational, at least not at school, and you were mad at us." 

"Well, thank you for the compliment I...guess? I've been trying to let less people step on me. Umm, and she was being racist and rude and the stuff she said about me. Uh, uh I do not allow that."  

Before they could even respond the bell rang.  We all got up and threw our trays away and walked out together, definitely earning a couple stares. 

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