Halloween Pt.1 (edited)

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Y/n's POV

"Ok, before I dismiss you all for lunch, I have an announcement."

My fifth period teacher Ms. Callahan, spoke. These words caught the attention of most students. 

"There is going to be a dance on Halloween. It is our annual Halloween Bash."

This got even more attention. Though her voice is quite monotone and her words had no emotion, the announcement had created an eruption of murmurs from the students. She sighed and sat back down. Ms. Callahan is one of the older teachers, that just couldn't care less anymore. 

When the bell rang, she threw her head back and waved the students off dismissively. I was intrigued by the news of a dance, but uninterested.  I mean it was only the second week of October, so not much had happened at the school yet and this would be exciting, but I've never been to nor have I ever wanted to go to a dance. 

As I continued down the halls towards the cafeteria, I was stopped by the sound of yelling. I turned my head around to see my friends running towards me. 

"Y/N! Did you hear? There is going to be a dance!"

Kenny yelled, once he was in front of me. I just smiled and chuckled. 

"I know. Ms. Callahan announced it in class."

"Damn it! The old hag ruined our announcement!"

He yelled back to the others, who were still trying to catch up. You could hear the groans from all the way down the hall. They stopped running and slowed their pace to a light jog.  Ken and I  were just joking around when the boys caught up to us. I looked at the group, and saw that their 'leader' was not with them. 

"Where's Benny?"

They just shrugged. I sighed and turned around and continued my journey into the lunchroom. The boys followed while playing around. I walked into the lunchroom and scanned the tables. A boy with jet black hair who was downing a sandwich caught my eye. I wasn't really hungry, so I didn't stop in the lunch line unlike the others. I made my way to the table and sat in the seat across from Benny. He looked up at me and smiled, and I returned it. 

"Where were you guys? I've been sitting here waiting for forever already!"

And they call me the dramatic one. I just giggled and opened up my book, I had been carrying around. Without looking up from my book I answered him. 

"We were just walking. In other news, did you hear about the dance?"

"Yeah. You going?"

"Don't know yet. I might have to if those block heads are planning on going."

I joked. He lightly chuckled. 

"I know it's pretty early and all, but there is this girl that I wanted to ask to the dance. I just don't know how to. I don't know if you've noticed but I'm not the best with girls."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. 

"Believe me, I know!"

Now it was his turn to roll his eyes. I just giggled. 

"Whatever! I was just hoping you could help me?"

 "Of course I will help you, who is this girl?"

I wiggled my eyebrows. He smiled, but didn't answer.

"I can't say."

"Why not?"

" Because.....umm... because....b-because I want it to be a surprise? Yeah! A surprise, th-that makes sense. Would you believe that?"

It seemed like he was making up a cover story instead of actually answering my question.  

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