The Diner (edited)

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We all walked to the diner laughing and occasionally talking about baseball. They were telling me more about what happened last summer and they honestly grew on me. I had a reason to be upset, don't get me wrong. It's just that they seem like they're pretty cool people. I forgive them for the stuff they did, but I won't forget what they did. 

"Ok boys, so you've told me all about this beloved sandlot. Am I ever going to be able to play a game there with you guys?" 

I said as we walked into the diner. I was mostly joking but I did want to play a game with them at some point. I never said that they were bad players, I actually though they were quite good, and after how they were played last summer when they beat Jordan and his team I wanted a little challenge. 

They gave each other a bit of a side eye glance. I knew what this look meant. 

"Ok, ok I get it. No girl territory."

I said while looking at the menu. they all gave me an awkward smile as they scratched the back of their necks. 

"It's not that we don't want you playing with us, we just made a bit of a pack. No girls." 

Benny mumbled. I set down my menu and had a little smirk on my face.  I found this amusing.

"No problem. How about you come to my field tomorrow while I practice and you can see what I can do and we can play some ball together. "

They again looked at each other, like they were having a meeting with their eyes. Benny turned towards me ending the little 'meeting' they were having. 

"I don't know. We start playing pretty early and end pretty late. When would you want us to come over? And where do you even play?" 

Benny said. I looked between them, trying to figure out how they just had a whole conversation without saying a word. 

I didn't realize but I must have been sitting there looking between them for a while. 



"You good?" 

They kept asking. Finally Squints lightly slapped my face.  I didn't respond so he was about to do it again when I grabbed his hand and pushed him back. 

"Don't touch me. Sorry, I zoned out. Could you repeat the question."

"Uh, yeah. What time do you start practicing each day? And where is you field?" 

Smalls asked. 

"Oh, I usually start around 7 AM. I play at the field where the tigers practice, but they won't be there so don't worry about that. If they do come I'll make sure they don't cause any trouble. " 

They looked at me slightly shocked. 

"Wow, and I thought we started early. Yeah, I think we could stop by around 7:30-ish. As long as the other boys don't make any trouble, we won't either." 

Kenny said. The other boys nodded and I smiled. I'm excited that I can finally show them what I can do. I knew that Jordan's team probably wouldn't be there but they sometimes come early. 

The waitress soon came over and we ordered our food. We all talked and laughed while waiting for our food. When our food came we ate and continued talking. We all left and dropped each person off at their houses. We said our goodbyes and soon it was just me, Smalls, and Benny left. 

"Bye Benny, bye Smalls." 

I said while walking backwards down my street. As I turned around, I could hear them yell goodbye and continue to walk to their houses so I did the same. 

A/N: I am so sorry for the wait. School just started up again, so I've been busy with homework. Thank you for anyone who started reading my story. I know this one is short I just wanted to have a chapter about the diner. The next chapter will have some drama and definitely have some bad b moments!  Hope you all had good holidays and are doing well! :))

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