Chapter 26 - August 26th, 1921

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3rd person POV

"Do we really have to go to this thing?" Laura pouts as Tommy pulls the curtains open in her bedroom. "Yes, we have to go. It's your brother's wedding." Tommy replies. Laura groans in frustration as she rolls over and covers her head with the bed sheet. Tommy chuckles to himself and sits on the edge of the bed. He carefully pulls the sheet down from Laura's face and places a soft kiss onto her lips.

When Laura received the call about Alfie's wedding 2 days ago, she was immediately filled with anxiety and dread. Her brother specifically said it was going to be very small and will be kept private, it took over an hour of persuading for him to let Tommy come with her. For some reason, Laura feels like something sketchy is going on.

Tommy pulls away and admires how beautiful Laura is in the morning light. He watches as she sighs deeply before climbing out of bed. It's not Tommy's fault that he forgot to remind her that she's completely naked. "Tommy! Pass me the dressing gown, please." Laura gasps as she goes to grab the sheet to cover herself up again. "Sorry, just slipped my mind." Tommy smirks. "Of course it did." She replies, matching his smirk. She quickly wraps the silk robe around herself and makes her way to the bathroom.

Laura's POV

I open up my wardrobe to choose an outfit for today. I don't have many nice things but hopefully there is something that's acceptable. I can't believe we have to go to this stupid wedding. I doubt it's even real. I decide to pull out a blush pink dress that flows nicely down to my knees. I slip my robe off and exchange it for my underwear and corset. "Tom, can you come and do my buttons up, please?" I shout into the hall. "Yeah, two seconds." I hear him reply. I might as well start pinning my hair.

A few minutes later, my hair is pinned in a half up half down style. My hair has grown quite a lot since the incident with Campbell. Thank fuck for that. I'm pulled from my thoughts when I feel a warm hand on my shoulder. "You look beautiful." Tommy says as he starts to do the buttons on the back of my dress. "Thank you." I reply as I feel blood rush to my cheeks.

"Are you nearly ready? We need to be at the church for noon." I say, noticing he still hasn't brushed his damn hair. "Yes, I just need to fix my hair because you're looking at me like you might shave it off and put my shoes and jacket on." He replies. He knows me too well. "Ok then." I say shyly. "Sorry, I'm just nervous." I add, regretting being so bossy. "It's fine, love. Come on." He says as he guides me out the room.

Tommy's POV

Fuck she's not going to be happy when we get there. My nerves are growing more and more by the second. We're about 5 minutes away from the church, we decided to walk since she thought it was a lovely day. She was surprisingly positive for about 30 seconds. Fuck she might actually kill me. I quickly shake my head to get my worries out of my head.

"Tommy?" she says, pulling me from my bubble of nerves. "Sorry, I was in a world of my own. What did you say?" I reply. God I hope that was convincing. "Oh, I was just saying that we should visit my father's grave tomorrow. Are you ok?" she says, her worry for me evident in her eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine. That's a good idea." Is all I can think to reply.

Before I know it, we're outside the large church doors. Jesus Christ. Alfie better hurry the fuck up. It's not long before he rolls around the corner in his Bugatti. We both watch as he jumps out and hobbles over to us. "Alfie, what the fuck are you wearing? You can't get married in that." Laura hisses at her brother. Oh fuck. "I'm not the one getting married sweetheart, you two are." Alfie grunts in reply. For fucks sake. I told him to let me say it.

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