Chapter 19 - June 9th, 1921

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Laura's POV

I am awoken by the sunlight shining onto my face. I roll over to come face to face with Tommy. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I can't help but just lay there and stare at his perfect features. I could swear his face was chiselled by God himself. He's been so good to me this past week or so, making sure I'm ok and have got everything I need.

~FLASHBACK – 24 hours after Richard's death~

It's around 4 in the afternoon and I decide to take a bath, hoping the warm water will soak away my problems. It's been a day since my father died and I already have so much responsibility. My front door has been knocked on at least 12 times already today. My father's men are constantly making sure I am ok. I wish they would just get the hint and leave me alone for a while.

Tommy went back to Birmingham last night to make sure the rest of his family are safe. I wish he was here. When we spoke on the phone this morning, he sounded a lot better than I did. Then again, I did spend most of the night crying rather than sleeping.

The water is starting to feel cold now. Ugh. I can't be bothered to move. I manage to force myself out of the tub and wrap myself in my dressing gown. It's so cosy and warm. I had the genius idea of hanging it in front of the fire. I waddle into my living room and sit heavily onto my sofa. I lay my head back and allow my eyes to be consumed by my tiredness.


For fucks sake. I just want to sleep.


"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming! Honestly I wish you would all just leave me alone. I don't need to be constantly checked up on like I'm a child." I yell as I go to open the door, instantly regretting it when I see Tommy standing there. "I can leave if you want?" he says, going to turn away. "No! Sorry. I thought you were one of my father's men coming to check on me. They've been bugging me all day." I quickly say, pulling him into my flat. "They're only doing their jobs." Tommy says as he returns the hug I am giving him. "I know." I sigh.

"What are you doing here anyway? I didn't think you were coming back until Monday?" I ask as I pull away from him. "You sounded down on the phone. I didn't like being so far away from you. Especially when you've been through so much." He says gently as he kisses my forehead, earning a smile from me. "You know, we basically went through the same thing. You can just say that you missed me." I say as I jokingly toss some imaginary hair over my shoulder, hissing quietly when I realise I forgot about my injuries. Tommy chuckles quietly. "Well, yes. There was that too." He replies. He leans down and pecks my lips before turning and walking straight into the kitchen.

I quickly follow, knowing why he is going in there. I watch as he looks around the room, noticing how there are no dishes near the sink. Shit. He scans the cupboards to see if anything has been moved since last night when he checked. I don't see why he is bothering. He clearly knows I haven't eaten. Honestly I was going to, but the thought made me want to vomit. He walks back over to me and gently takes my face in his hands. "You broke your promise." He says quietly, prompting tears to form in my eyes. "I'm sorry." I whisper as I move my head away and look down to my feet. I hear him audibly sigh as he pulls me into his chest.

We stand there for a few minutes. "Do you want something to eat?" Tommy says gently, breaking the silence. I quickly shake my head. "How could I eat at a time like this? It's bad enough I've done nothing today. I should be planning my father's funeral, and taking over his business, and caring for my wounds, and making sure Alfie is ok, an-and" I start to ramble. "Laura. Shh. Shh. Look at me." Tommy says, once again placing both of his hands either side of my face. All I can do is look at his gorgeous blue eyes as I try to catch my breath. "Everything's going to be ok. I'm here for you, ok? I'm going to help you through this. I love you." He speaks, trying to calm me down as I start to cry again. For fucks sake how do I have anything left?

"Follow me, love. Come on." Tommy speaks calmly. All I can do is comply, I don't have the energy for anything else. "Come and lay down. You'll feel better. I promise." He says as he sits on the edge of my bed. I do as he says and pull on his clothes make him lay with me. I rest my head on his chest and slowly close my eyes. "Thanks, Tom. I love you." I whisper as I fall to sleep, earning a kiss on top of my head.


I am suddenly pulled from my thoughts when Tommy opens his eyes and smiles at me. "Good morning." He says in his morning voice. And I thought he couldn't get any more attractive. "Good morning handsome man. Did you sleep well?" I ask, hoping to sound cheerful. "I always do when you're next to me." He says before kissing me, making me smile genuinely for the first time in what feels like years.

"What's the plan for today?" he asks me as he stretches his arms in the air. I let out a deep sigh as I think. "I suppose I'll have to go into my father's office and clear everything out. And I need to see Alfie." I reply, climbing out of bed only to be grabbed by the hips and pulled back. "What are you doing Thomas Shelby?" I ask, trying to hide my laughter. "You don't need to all of that right away do you? Just stay with me for a little while longer?" Tommy says as I turn to face him. I burst out laughing as he does his best impression of Finn's puppy eyes.

I roll my eyes and flop back down next to him. "I guess not. But I'd best get something in return." I say, lifting an eyebrow at him. "And what do you want exactly?" he asks as his arms snake around me. "Oh, I think you know." I say with a smirk. Before I know it Tommy is kissing me. I melt into the kiss and pull him closer to me. This is the perfect way to spend the morning.

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