Chapter 22 - July 16th, 1921

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3rd person POV

"Come on Tommy we have to go!" Laura yells through her apartment. "We will never get home at this rate. Come on!" She says as her lover walks through the hallway of the flat. "Bloody hell woman calm down." Tommy says as he put his coat and hat on and squeezes past her in the doorway. She quickly locks the door and follows him to the car. "Right, are we still going to see Alfie before we go?" Tommy says as they both simultaneously shut their car doors. "Yes, please. I just need to drop something off to him. Won't be longer than a few minutes." Laura replies.

Once they arrive outside Alfie's 'bakery', Laura hops out the car and runs to the door. "Ollie let me in." she says hurriedly, prompting the young lad to push the door open for her. She quickly looks back to Tommy, who is still in the car. She lifts two fingers and mouths the words '2 minutes' before rushing inside.

Tommy's POV

2 minutes my fucking arse. 10 minutes I've been sat here. I start to anxiously shake my leg, my impatience starting to show. Another 5 minutes rolls by before I see Laura walking towards me. She climbs into the car and gets herself comfortable. I just sit and stare at her, hoping she knows why. "Why aren't we going Tom?" she asks breathlessly.

All I do is smoke my cigarette and raise an eyebrow at her. "Oh, right." She starts. "Thomas Shelby. I am truly and deeply sorry for making you wait longer than we agreed. I promise I will spend many hours making it up to you." She says with a wink, making me smirk as she slides her hand up the inside of my thigh. "Thank you for the apology. We can arrange how you will spend those hours when we get home." I reply, trying to maintain my icy composure from before. "Dork." She says with a smile before kissing me. "Now come on, let's go home." She says excitedly.

3rd person POV

Almost 5 hours later, Tommy pulls up in front of his family's home. Laura immediately jumps out of the car and runs to knock on the door. As soon as the door opens, she is attacked by Finn, Polly, and John. They all engulf her in a giant hug, Finn squeezing her as hard as he can. Laura bursts out laughing and returns the love she has just received, not caring about the lingering pain from her injuries.

Tommy clambers out of the car and walks over to the scene in front of him. He can't help but smile a little as he watches the woman he loves act so happy with his family. He watches as Polly and John pull away from the group and walk over to where he is stood. You won't break Finn away for another few hours yet. "Welcome home." Polly says to her nephew, noticing the loving look he has towards their family friend.

They are soon ushered inside for some tea, which ends up being whiskey for John, Laura, and Tommy. "Can I have some?" Finn asks as innocently as possible, causing Laura to laugh. "Some things never change do they?" she says as she ruffles his hair. "So, how long are you home for?" Polly asks, quickly changing the subject. "I'm hoping I'll be here for at least 2 weeks, but you never know with my brother." Laura replies with a small sigh, sharing a quick glance with Tommy. "Well, any amount of time is wonderful, my dear." The Shelby woman says, trying to keep the focus positive. After all, the poor girl didn't need reminding of everything that had happened recently.

Tommy clears his throat before standing. "Where's Arthur?" he asks. "He's down the Garrison. Can we go?" Finn replies, hoping to not be ignored this time. "Oh, I don't know Finn. I'm sure Laura and Tommy are pretty tired." Polly starts. "Yeah, with all the late nights they've been having." John interrupts with a smirk as he tries to hold in his laugh. "John!" Polly scolds, only to be calmed down with the sound of Laura laughing with him. "Come on Finn, get your coat. I'm sure we can manage at least one drink." Laura says as she stands, winking at Tommy in the process.

Laura's POV

As we're walking down the lane to the pub, I notice Polly pull back from the boys and walk slightly slower to join me and Finn. He hasn't left me alone since we got home, not even to let me use the bathroom.

Once Polly has caught up with us, she joins onto our pace. "So," she starts. Oh shit. "How are things going?" she asks me, clearly the gossiper inside her has been dying to break free. "Everything is good thanks, Pol. Both with the business and, uhm..." I quickly tilt my head towards Tommy, remembering our conversation in the car and deciding to not tell Finn yet. "That's good, dear. And don't worry, mum's the word." She says with a large smile and cheeky wink. I nod in reply, showing a grateful smile. Thank God Finn is too busy missing the cracks in the pavement to concentrate on all of this. I dread to think what his reaction will be.

We're soon sat in the snug, Finn sitting as close to me as he can. "Thank you." I beam to Tommy as he hands me a glass of whiskey. "Where are they then?" Arthur yells as he bursts through the door. "Arthur!" I yell back and run to hug him. "How are ya beautiful?" he asks, holding me tightly. "I'm better for being home that's for sure." I reply with a laugh before allowing him to hug his brother. "So, how's everything going in London?" he asks as we all take our seats. "It's going well thank you. I'm glad I have Alfie to help with everything." I reply, hoping he understands why I didn't mention Tommy. "Oh yeah, and I bet Tommy's been helping to relieve some tensions ain't he? Must be like a fucking sex den in your house." Arthur tries to joke, groaning when John elbows him in the ribs.

"Why would Tommy be at Laura's house? Tommy and Laura don't have sex." Finn says, looking horrified. His gaze switches between me and Tommy. Oh for fucks sake, thanks Arthur. All I can do is stare at Tommy for help, only to find him looking the exact same way back at me. "Laura? What does Arthur mean?" Finn asks me. I can't speak. Tears begin to sting my eyes. "Finn..." I choke out. "No. No!" the young lad yells out. "No you can't!" he yells as he runs to Tommy and begins to hit him. "Finn, I'm sorry. We were going to talk to you about it properly tomorrow." Tommy says to his youngest brother, catching the hands that are flying at him.

"Finn, look at me." I say, a few tears now falling down my face. "No. I can't believe you're taking my only friend away from me! I hate you Tommy!" Finn shouts before escaping his brother's grip and running out the room. "Finn wait!" I yell, immediately standing and following him out. He's so young, he can't go running around the streets alone. My heart is literally breaking.

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