Chapter 16 - same day

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3rd person POV

The sound of Laura's sobs fill the warehouse. She is currently holding onto to Tommy for dear life as he lets her put all of her weight onto him. He gently strokes her hair and rocks her back and forth to try and help her to calm down.

Arthur, John, and Alfie are all currently 'taking care' of Sabini. He is surely dead by now, but that doesn't mean they have stopped beating him. All of a sudden, the room is filled with Richard's men again. They made sure the perimeter was clear before returning to their boss, who they now realise is dead. Alfie walks over to them and explains what happened, prompting them to take off their hats.

Alfie slowly walks over to his sister, who has now calmed down slightly. He kneels down opposite her and Tommy, refusing to look at the dead body in front of them. "Laura. We need to take his body now." He says softly. Laura lifts her head towards her brother. She looks down to her father's lifeless body, knowing he's not coming back. "Ok." She whispers as she notices a few men walking over to them. She abruptly stands and steps backwards. "Be careful with him. You know where to take him?" She says to the men who worked for her father, earning a nod from them all. "Thank you. We will meet you all there soon." She adds as they lift Richard's body.

Once they have all left, Tommy, Alfie, John, and Arthur all walk over to where Laura is staring into space. When she feels their presence, she quickly snaps out of it. "Right. We all need some clean clothes. Alfie, I need you to find the Shelby boys some clothes please. I'm going to follow Dad and I'll meet you there." She says as she starts to walk out. "Wait, Laura. I don't know where to go. You'll have to stay with us. You need some clothes too. Come on, we have plenty of time." Alfie replies, shock and confusion clear on his face. They all watch as Laura stops in her tracks. She takes a moment to think before speaking. "Fine. But let's be quick." She says before continuing to storm out and towards Alfie's car.

Tommy's POV

When we arrive at Alfie's house, Laura is the first one to jump out of the car. I have no idea what's gotten into her, but this was not what I was expecting. Maybe she is more like me than I realised. We follow Alfie into the house. "Right. There are two bathrooms and a couple guest rooms on the second floor. You should find everything you need in there." He says as he gestures to the stairs. "Thank you." I say to him as my brothers run up the stairs. "Thank you, brother." Laura says before she follows me.

Me and my brothers let Laura use one bathroom all to herself, since she will probably need to take a bath to wash all of the blood off. It doesn't take us long to wash and change, so we go back downstairs to find Alfie. I guide my brothers into what looks like a dining room to see plates full of food on the table. "Help yourselves, fellas." We hear Alfie say from behind us. Thank fuck for that. We all immediately tuck in, having not eaten in in 4 days.

After about 10 minutes, we hear footsteps in the hall. "Alfie? Where is everyone?" I hear Laura's voice yell, prompting her brother to meet her outside. "Come on, Laura. You need to eat something." Alfie says as he drags her into the room. "No I don't, Alfie. I need to go and make sure my father's body is safe. We need to have a will reading because no doubt you're in there too. We need to go. Now." Laura says sternly, not even bothering to look at the food on the table. "I'm not taking you anywhere until I see you eat at least a plateful." Alfie replies, surprisingly calm. I wonder how this will pan out. "Who says I asked you to take me? You're the one who doesn't know where to go. So either you come with me now or I go on my own. Your choice." Laura says, pushing past her brother and walking out the room. "For fucks sake" I hear Alfie mumble. "Right. Sorry lads, but I'm afraid we're going now. You can eat some more when we return." He says as he gestures for us to follow Laura.

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